Good for that ref, honoring the time-tested unwritten rules of the game.
Good for that ref, honoring the time-tested unwritten rules of the game.
That’s why they shouldn’t hire the refs from the Globetrotters games.
I checked, and this is the first time Deadspin has ever tagged him in a post, which is a very, very good sign.
I guess it’s a good sign of his leadership that I’d never heard of Peter Holt until two minutes ago.
Stick around for awhile.
There once was a team from Miami
Darth Pringles up there needs to work on his force push.
I for one encourage him to vote tomorrow and not in November.
Harden did get McHale fired, if not by specific request then by being out of shape
A one-game suspension seems lax.
“And you can see that every action has an opposite and equal reaction. THAT is why we plunk the fucker.”
The NFL is the worst sport in North America. I look forward to its inevitable downfall in the coming decade.
This citizens’ initiative may save the Chargers if they can get enough signatures. Looks like it all hinges on which way the Rivers family decides to go.
Yeah, but LaTroy Hawkins made his $47,462,500 at $14.00/hour.
You beat me to it. I was scrolling through the comments, (perhaps erroneously?) surprised that no one was saying anything.
It's worse than chipmunks. It's minions.
Wow. If voodoo economics can’t work in Louisiana...
Ouch. I hope that guy has insurance
As a litigation attorney, let me just say that these are big no-nos. If you want to cite to an email, you’d sure as hell better attach the email. And if you want to cite deposition testimony, then you had better attach the entire transcript (ideally with the signature page and corrections and addenda pages).