
Years ago, their law school held admitted students’ day at the same time and offered two free tickets to the game.

Our SecDef:

My wife is attached to her stuff, me not so much. It’s never been the subject of any serious arguments, but a lot of eye-rolls and heavy sighs every time we try to clean out a closet or the storage space. And then, this year, as we were trying to winnow down the 12 huge containers of holiday decorations that are all

Anybody else depressed they’re old enough to remember Sidd Finch?

Big crowd at the finals of the Brazil Open, huh?

+1 goofy marketing ploy

I was waiting for Lindsey to deliver the punchline after calling him a “crucial member of the San Diego bullpen the season....”

I get that. The article may have said, or maybe just implied, that he did it that way because it was faster. And I’m sure it’s a really, really nice ride. But I’m guessing that back pain sufferers will all say that 17 hours without being able to move around, take a walk, etc. is likely to be excruciating no matter

I think it’s more a question of whether he THINKS he can win. Many of these guys have this confident mindset (bordering on delusional) that the rest of us just don’t.

There’s cutting back on playing, and there’s also cutting back on travel. I read elsewhere he chose to take a 17 hour direct commercial flight to Dubai. He might have to give up on chasing those big international appearance fees if his priority is winning on the PGA Tour again. Or, you know, walking and stuff.

If the Braves bring back Otis Nixon as a consultant that probably means they intend to keep stealing.

Thanks. I suppose I’ve been trained by the US military for every “operation” to have a Highly Symbolic & Deeply Motivational name.

Does anyone know why it’s called “Operation Hydrant”? Just seems odd, unless that word has other meanings in Britain?

“Yeah, well, I’d like to see him do that about 40 times in a row! No, seriously, I really would....”

I’d actually missed the reference in the headline, but your comment gave me that aha moment. Take my star!

I know there are a ton of lawyers down here in the comments section. So here’s more (from Cornell) that I found for those interested in the arguments the parties are making on both sides of this one. A few references to the impact of the case on the “Redskins” mark, but it focuses on the actual dispute.

As a tribute to San Diego, it should be 72 degrees. And sunny.

What the NFL appears poised to do right now is to convince itself that the Raiders will be able to move to Las Vegas and thus extend Spanos’ option perhaps another year. (Recall that once Spanos’ option lapses, Davis has an option.) Since Spanos is looking for more time (the Kevin Acee article linked to above says
