
Could be. Especially if Rachel Phelps was involved.

I looked into this briefly (meaning clicked on the hyperlinked article) to see if I could figure out that exact thing. Maybe someone who has heard something about the terms of the agreement will know more, anything I could say is conjecture. That said, my conjecture is this: it MIGHT be that they are paying a penalty,

You might be okay. So long as you are at a top law school so that you can get a job to pay off the student loans that you amassed attending that law school and then are willing to work long hours to keep that job and your new wife doesn’t mind that you are never home until the kids come along, anyway, at which time

“Screwed” is the word you are looking for.

I AM, in fact, an irritable dad with a law degree, Samer. How did you DO that?

Different intern? New intern to replace the one they just let go after that whole unauthorized “Washington” thing?

I’ll never trust you again.

My first thought, too. How does any play-by-play guy NOT use that line in that situation?

Do we think this is legitimate sensitivity to the issue, or just some quality trolling? I could be convinced of either.

That’s about as much electronically stored information as is exchanged in major civil lawsuits between huge corporations. Law firms routinely use all kinds of tools to churn through it in a few months, looking for the maybe 200 or 300 documents that will become exhibits first in depositions and then at trial.

I don’t mind, and even expect, local broadcasters to pull for the team they cover. That’s only natural and expected and has made for some of the greatest calls in all of sports broadcasting. But, for me, when the announcers resemble the guy at the end of the bar shouting at the tv, so blinded by their devotion that

Among current quarterbacks, the other name that sticks out to me is Philip Rivers, who sat behind Drew Brees. Granted, he’s not at the level of the guys on your list, but most teams would rather have him than the guy they’ve got under center. For all the dumb things that Chargers ownership/management has done in the

None of whom, interestingly enough, were starting NFL quarterbacks just a few months after being drafted by their respective teams.

I don’t know what he’s saying.

Oh, sure, Barry praises the dog’s athleticism because it’s a black dog. If it were a white dog, Barry would talking about its work ethic and knowledge of the game.

Leaders say “we” when accepting credit but “I” when taking blame. (Think about every bland post-game QB or head coach interview you’ve ever heard.) Politicians say “I” when accepting credit and “we” when grudgingly acknowledging a failure. And, even if I agreed with you, that gets us to “...we exercised poor judgment”

“We exercised poor judgment” is the active voice— “the poor judgment that was exercised” is passive voice. Awkward, tortured passive voice at that. Every writer and editor in his organization who read that sentence cringed.

“Please know that we take responsibility for the poor judgment that was exercised in this instance”

+19 and counting

I’ll bet more people could do what Kanye does than what LaTroy did.