
I’m just a star whore, Mr. Gray....

Are you kidding? If there is a Deadspin commentator hall of fame, 50Shades is in it. I’m too humbled to even reply directly to his post.

It was more along the lines of “discuss among yourselves, I’m going to bed.” I’m no fan of Manning, Tebow, Elway, the Broncos, or the Denver metropolitan area. I DID go to a Rockies game while in town for work last summer and got to see LaTroy Hawkins pitch, which was kinda cool.

I’m just going to leave this here....

Right—can’t make it through an entire game officiated by Ed Hochuli without hearing that he’s a lawyer. Which only exacerbates the problem in my mind. If you were the NFL, would you rather have multi-billion dollar enterprise in the hands of a bunch of hobbyists doing it “for the love of the game,” or would you want a

I had exactly the same question. I’ve always assumed the referees wanted to be year-round, full-time employees and have never understood why the league didn’t see it was in their best interest to make it so—from both an optics and an actual quality-of-product standpoint.

This is all the proof I need that Adam Silver is about to put Mark Cuban on double secret probation.

There’s something fishy about this.

Degrom’s constantly pitching out of trouble after first inning struggles reminded me very much of Tom Glavine during the Braves’ heyday. The Dodgers stranding all those baserunners reminded me of the Braves’ offense during that same era.

You all do realize that there was an elimination game between teams from the nation’s two largest markets last night, right? I had to go to to find out who won.... SPOILER ALERT: The Mets beat the Dodgers 3 - 2.

Best answer yet came from an elderly Bob Dole in 1996, who simply said, “Depends.”

When I lived in SD, I worked with a Steelers fan who grew up in suburban Detroit. I now live in Upstate New York, and our local Pizza Hut is somehow decked out (year-round) with Steelers crap, which is amazing considering that both Buffalo and NYC are both closer than Pittsburgh.

Yup, I already said something very similar in response to an earlier comment. And it should also be noted that Chargers fans aren’t great about going to games to begin with. Lots of blackouts and lots of extended deadlines for ticket sales to avoid blackouts in the years I lived there—even when they were winning

And also, for the true “these fans travel well,” I can’t think of any better place to pick for a “let’s go to a road game this year!” destination than San Diego. The Poinsettia Bowl sells a lot of tickets each year for this reason—nothing like being the team that earns a trip to Boise for a bowl game on the Smurf Turf

It’s also worth mentioning that San Diego has a huge military population, which is inherently transient. It’s not that San Diego isn’t thick with Chargers fans, it’s that those fans are diluted by fans of all the other teams in a proportion that simply doesn’t (and wouldn’t) happen in other NFL cities. If the

When I was a brand new Radar Officer in the E-2C Hawkeye, my first experience with the Air Force was a joint combat search and rescue mission. I found controlling the A-10s to be frustrating, because their radios were so bad. They all made this distinct noise that sounded like a slightly out-of-phase frequency-hoping

Agree, Kelly to Texas after the season.

I figured. There was so little energy in the building (or the broadcast booth) until Eichel scored, it was pretty easy to surmise that the first two periods were forgettable.

I have a story like this, too. Except I was out with my boss (we were traveling) and he WARNED me this would happen. And I was pretty much okay the next morning.

As a casual hockey fan in Upstate New York, I tuned in for the third period. It was watchable hockey, which is both (1) a good thing because Time Warner shows every Sabres game here; and (2) not something that has always been true of every Sabres game.