
“Mets GM Sandy Alderson was the first to ” . . . become involved?

I was in Denver for work last month, so I went to a game. Hawkins pitched an inning. I realized that was the last time I’d ever see a player my age in a big league game.

This is great, but it needs lots of curse words and self-abuse to be accurate.

Ron Gant

And the phone number on the Rigoberto’s sign has a San Diego area code (619). This is great, by the way.


The “back to football” mantra as you call it will likely be front and center in a statement co-written by his lawyer, Kraft’s lawyer, the team’s lawyer, and the team’s PR department that will read something like:

First, I don’t know if he’s “innocent” or “not.” The whole thing is silly.


Having a fair amount of experience arguing discovery issues in complex civil cases in federal court, I’m not as sure as the folks who’ve said there’s no way in hell his texts are discoverable. I certainly understand the arguments on why they shouldn’t be discoverable in the kind of lawsuit his legal team would likely

I don’t disagree with you, Beard o’ Biff, but iirc Boche wasn’t even really “available” when the Giants interviewed him. He was managing the Padres. The Giants asked permission to interview him; and, to the surprise of the entire San Diego sports talk radio scene, Padre management granted it. The story here, then,

Albert, your basketball stuff has been great this year—starting with the promise to throw away your keys if the Lakers didn’t start 0 -5 and running up through this. I enjoy reading what you write about the NBA more than I enjoy watching the NBA. (granted, that’s a low bar)

He spoke at my graduation as well. Gave a (barely) re-worked campaign speech that WOULD NOT END. [all caps to acknowledge this is a Magary post we’re commenting on here]

Lorenzo Neal

Why not abolish the draft entirely and let every rookie come in to the league as a free agent?

I’m fairly new to watching hockey but have been a sports fan for 40 years, and the 1st period of that game was something I’m glad I saw.

Yup. A big part of my job is to design legal reference products for the public that have to account for folks’ limited understanding of the distinction between state and federal systems, civil vs. criminal law, laws vs. regulations, etc., so I’m no doubt overly-senstive to variation. I would be curious to know if any

Note that the link is to the germane Federal Rule of Evidence. The Massachusetts rule seems the same though. From the explanatory note to Mass. R. Evid. 404: “Massachusetts follows the universally recognized rule against ‘propensity’ evidence, i.e., evidence of a person’s character through reputation or specific acts

Don't forget, though, it was Rivers who stood up for Norv very publicly and extended that fiasco at least a year—maybe longer if he'd privately lobbied for Turner the year prior.

Far more than Adequate, Man. Thank you for this.