
Call me stupid, but can’t you just throw a rope over the wall, reach through for the loose end, tie it to one of the columns with a simple bowline knot, pull up the slack and climb that bitch like Batman and Robin?

True, but had A LOT of fucking help in destroying the rules. If even just a handful of GOP senators had kept their oath to defend the constitution and use the power of checks and balances granted to them, a lot this shit would have never occurred.

If he drops dead he’ll be fucking sainted by Fox News and his memory held in even higher regard than Reagan.

I vote for massive, Diving-Bell-and-the-Butterfly-type stroke. Not only would it help to reduce dumbass, redneck conspiracy theories, but it would hopefully be hugely painful and embarrassing for him to see all the celebration all over the world while he’s locked in that corpulent fucking prison without being able to

That a psychopath can’t admit a mistake is expected. Pathetic but expected.

It won’t take him down, but gottdamn this story makes me giggle every time I see an article or covered on cable news. It is SO FUCKING STUPID. And anyone with a brain that saw his answer in the presser today absolutely knows he lying about not knowing who drew on the map with the sharpie. He SO did it.  

Delusion has a way of rendering notions of rational cause and effect meaningless. 

That’s a great psychological insight into his appeal. There are so many people out there who are so infantile and emotionally stunted like he is, so deluded by a false sense of greatness and so unwilling to better themselves, that they can’t deal with their own fallibility and incompetence.

It why the fundies love him. Since Jesus is never wrong, and he’s just a projection, they themselves are never wrong if they just claim “Jesus!”.

I want Donald Trump to drop dead so fucking badly. It’s the only thing that can stop this insanity. Even a 2020 landslide win by the Dems won’t end this because he refuses to abide by the rules that have kept our democracy strong for nearly 250 years.

Everyone remembers, it’s just not all over the news so we can politely pretend we don’t remember.

No conspiracy theories necessary, the people who carry water for him are just so entitled and idiotic that they just make crazy demands and sane people just get out of the way.

That’s why the Trumpites love him.

You give them far too much credit.

Yup. Now nobody even remembers that whole thing about the governor wearing blackface...wait, did I just ruin it?

I was only a 5, at best, though.  He wouldn’t be seen in public with a 5, ever.

One school of thought is that this isn’t another example of a laughably bad Trump ass covering, but it’s a test by the GOP to measure how blatantly Trump can lie to his base so they have a good sense of how far he can push it in 2020.

Let it go? The hurricane is white and has a hole—surprised he hasn’t married it yet.

Please don’t use glue traps.

This piece may be one of the five best things to come out of the Trump presidency.