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    I would have bought a manual Mazda6 with the 2.5T or maybe even a loaded 2.5, I was not interested in a stripper model. There were no manual Accords in my state when I was shopping.  I wanted to buy a car not go on an interstate vision quest.  People say vote with your $$ and I tried and failed.  I ended up with a

    I’m just old enough to remember when buying a car with a manual was a good way to save a couple grand and maybe get a better dealer discount.  Now the smart move is to avoid AWD for the same reasons. 

    When I purchased my house a few years ago the then owner had one of these. I got to see a lot of it as the process dragged on.  At what I assume is the base trim, beat on and dirty it’s clearly a minivan. Don’t let a nice marketing photo of the blacked out AMG version fool you into thinking it’s some sort of cool

    Some of the people arguing the merits of this tunnel have to be trolls right?  

    I’m obviously in the minority here, but I find it easier to load the kids into my Mazda6 then my wife’s Outback because I have to lift them UP to get them into the Outback.  Now if we are going on a road trip, its not even a choice we are taking the Outback since it hauls more stuff.  Giant strollers are certainly

    I don't have an electric car but your absolutely right that sedans work just fine for kids. This idea that you NEED a crossover if you have a child makes me crazy.

    Missed that, I shall let me post live on in shame.

    Not trying to be snarky but wear are you from? Here in the north east every Apple Store I have ever seen has is packed pretty much constantly.  Perhaps, they never reached their grand ambitions, but there is no shortage of busy Apple stores in high end malls.  

    This looks a lot like that Alpha, that was just unveiled  except with a million times more cladding.  

    Hate to state the obvious but the 35,000 Tesla is 35,000 they are not even going to throw in free floor mats.  This thing most likely will be selling at a discount in 6 months as oder leafs and bolts currently do.  Making its real price probably below 35,000.  

    I like cars, I read this site daily as well as a few others in order to stay away from the real news. I honestly don’t know if you will be able to test drive a Tesla once the “dealerships” close. Your comments says one thing, I thought Elon said I should just return it after a few days if I don’t like it. I’m going to

    The 35,000 Model3 three makes a pretty strong case for being a bare bones RWD performance car. Playing around on the website the price jumps pretty quickly if you want it with heated seat, in a color other then black and with adaptive cruise control, blind spot monitoring and the like.

    Props on Tesla for delivering the 35k car finally, but with absolutely no physical presence I feel like it limits their customers to ‘Tesla People. To really break through they need to expand to regular folks shopping Subaru’s and whatnot. My dad wanted to test drive a Model 3 a while ago until I explained to him

    That face manages to make it look angry and depressed at the same time. (Insert millennial joke here)

    I’m just jealous to the 10 cents a kWh, just checked my bill and its 17 cents, so 70% more.  Maybe I have premium electric which I assume is better for the Tesla

    I have had a dealer pull a bait and switch fraud on me once on a brand new car, so I get why dealers suck. I still don’t see them going away. People are still going to want to trade in their cars, cross shop new and preowned and have a network of repair shops. People with less than stellar credit will be looking

    From reading the comments from EV owners it seems that if you preheat your car while plugged in the range hit is not too bad, but if your car is sitting in the cold you this study is true to lived experience. This just furthers my theory that the main hurdle to widespread EV adoption is that most families just don’t

    You are not wrong that the Chevy Volt was a poor overall package for the tech, but come on your comparing your 60,000 car to a 30,000 car.  It just drives me nuts when Tesla folk do that. 

    That was my only desire when I went shopping for a mid sized sedan late summer.  The Accord 2.0 with manual is apparently made out of unobtanium around me.  I was not going to special order it.  The Mazda6 manual only in the most base level.   I ended up with the mazda6 with the 2.5T and I like it, but I would like it

    I like the new NSX too, but if given the choice I’m not sure if I’d pick the new one or an immaculate version of the original if I was going to use it as a weekend/warm weather car. Obviously, I don’t really care that it has hypercar performance on demand.