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    The interior is too polarizing, there has to be an not insignificant number of people who look at it and are just like, nahhhh

    This whole discussion is pedantic, but I do love the idea of an unexpected and unavoidable hill climb challenge occurring within two minutes of starting your engine and pulling out of the driveway.  

    They need to put a little appearance package on this car and call it something (Accord SI???) so dealers actually carry it.  I don't know about the rest of the country but getting an Accord 2.0T in NJ in August was essentially impossible. 

    Are writers legally required call this thing a crossover, because its pretty clearly a wagon.  If anyone ever forces me to spend 80,000 on a car I’ll buy this and call it a wagon to anyone that will listen.  I like it. 

    I hate the nearest Mazda dealer in Jersey so I went to one in PA and learned the doc fee is capped at $125 there. Although, the salesman complained that he looses sales to NJ dealerships that can offer a price 300-400 cheaper but then there's a $600 doc fee. 

    As someone drives on my second Mazda now after a few VW’s................ yeah i got nothin

    If you are getting a super low promotional rate, then longer term loans are fine. My last four cars have all been at 0%, 3 of them at 60 months. Taking out a7 percent loan at 72 months is pretty crazy.  It makes you wonder how far manufactures can get on gimmicky financing.  

    I am also in a 2 car sedan/crossover (well an Outback, which my wife insists is a wagon not an SUV) family. The crossover has its advantages for sure, but loading kids is not one of them. When my 3 year old was younger I did not have to lift the car seat as high to get it into the sedan and now it is much easier for

    Maybe its just because I once owned a Saab 9-3 Turbo and I am desensitized, but I experience barely any torque steer on my Mazda6 2.5T

    I know the sedan is dead, yet all these crossovers seem to morphing into one slightly tallish angry sedan with a hatch back.

    I might be in the minority here but I actually like VW interiors. They look handsome and functional, and refreshingly not trendy. Too bad they have blandified everything else about their cars. As a sedan driver who’s owed both a GTI and a Sportwagen I should be one of their core customers, but I have no interest in

    To be fair my GMC motorhome would not make it up a slight incline on grass. Drove nice for a 40 year old RV on the highway though.

    The are barley sort of giving away RX-8's around here on craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. I wonder how many you could purchase for the price of having these mods professionally installed.

    I am a little late to this party so I am not sure if anyone will see this, but am I leaving money on the table by taking a promotional 0% rate? My last 4 cars (including one diesel gate buy back) have been purchased at 0%. I am lucky enough to be able to buy a car cash.  Can dealers typically offer a better discount

    So I just sold my 78 GMC Motorhome. (An Eleganza — just a slightly different trim) In perhaps slightly worse condition than this for $9,000.  Someone rented a car and drove from Chicago to NJ to buy it at my asking price the weekend after I listed it.  Although mine only had 14,000 original miles on it. They are surp

    A luxury truck is to 2019 what a Caddy was to 1960. The reason people like them is not complicated they are large and comfy to drive and a bit of a status symbol. So is a Tahoe and other huge SUV’s but they has a bit of a ‘soccer mom’ vibe to it so manly men buy trucks. I’m not a truck guy but I try my best not to

    People still give the Boxster a hard time, I had 2001 Boxster S.  Drove it daily for a few years the got a beater to supplement it.  It was pretty damn fantastic, rock solid reliability, mid engine handling and fast enough.  It even had a useful trunk and frunk.  Whats not to love??

    I agree this is just barley possible, I am leaning towards some kind of hoax. Twelve hours a day averaging 50mph. Its HARD to average 50mph especially if you are making deliveries. Perhaps it was a 24hour a day business and they would just hand off the car to various employees??

    Perhaps I am underestimating the speed of the charge. My only experience with 15 amp charging is with my in-laws Nissan Leaf. I don remember the exact rate but they immediately realized 15 amp charging was too slow for their needs.  Installing a 22o was very simple for them and they have enjoyed the car ever since. 

    Your not wrong, but do you really want a bunch of people who never worked with electricity installing charging ports after watching a DIY youtube video?