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    I have argued for a while that things like this will be a deterrent to full EV adoption. They make sense when you can charge them in a garage or at least in the driveway. It can be expensive to get a 220 outlet from a certified electrician if you don’t have one. Double that for a 2 car household. If your current

    My prediction is that the first real electric pick up will be a flop. An electric drivetrain should be perfect for utilitarian moving of things around town. In reality people buy pickups as daily drivers with extreme capabilities “just in case.” As soon as one is released someone will comment that they can’t pull 5

    Roughish but complete 944's go for roughly half around here. Porsche people, is the turbo worth that much more? (A genuine question) Also if you search Central NJ craigslist you will find a 944 someone has listed as a 911, the market for older porches is odd. 

    Well I’m not an asshole and think people shouldn’t be assholes to car salesman. However, after having a VW dealer pull a bait and switch on my wife on a new car purchase a few years ago I never again will assume a salesman’s good faith.  I just have to add that this was a pretty easy deal with no crazy financing or

    I still think the S looks pretty good, but it is getting stale.  

    I may have bought one at these prices. My dealer wanted 30+ grand in August, oh well happy with my car. 

    Not that anyone should care what I think but its weird that the one Porsche I have no desire to own is the one they will sell 70 bajillion of.  The Cayenne is at least big these compact crossovers do nothing for me.  

    With that super short wheel base, if any of the owners teenaged sons get their hands on these things its not going to be pretty.

    If I was smarter I’d figure out how to invest in self storage units because a lot of garages are going to empty our of junk as all these electric cars get bought up.  I should also become an electrician while I’m at it because there are going to be a lot of 220 volt lines run in the next 15 years.

    I have been trying to make this exact point on some of these car buying articles. What you get for your mid sized sedan dollar in the sedanapocalypse is pretty tough to beat. I recently got the Mazda 6 with the 2.5T (gt) for 27,400. When I purchased my 3 hatchback in 2012 it was 22,500 and change. The 6 is way more

    Can I get a measurement from the ground to the hood? Prediction, this thing will be fitted with a parking camera facing forward activated in low speed use within 3 years.

    I purchased a 3 year old Boxster type S for around 30 grand as my first “real” car after graduating college (04) It was fantastic and never gave me a lick of trouble mechanically, and I sold it before it could. Reading this review just made me sad realizing I will never own a car as nice as that.  90,000 seems like

    I like Porshes, I used to own one, and I can daydream about 911's and Taycanns all day. I don’t think cars need to be blazingly fast to be good or fun, but I would really like to know what advantages this vehicle has over Honda Accord 2.oT. (or any 32ish grand sedan with a 250hp engine) It would loose in a drag race

    About 1-2 years ago the power company around here put out an offer to buy a New Nissan leaf (last generation) for about this much. My in-laws actually got one at this price (although they had to drive almost 2 hours to find a dealer that was honoring the deal and had one in stock.)  I don’t see how this is better

    I live in the same part of the country as you. This was the worse overall driving conditions I have ever seen. It was some perfect storm surprise, poop preparations, participation that compressed into actual ice and EVERYONE being on the road at once.  I would not expect to ever see something like that again, unless

    I really wish this and/or the Stinger had bigger back seats. There is a good of a chance that I would have bought this with the manual if it did.

    I’m not going to argue that mid-sized sedans are better then CUV’s (to each his own), but right now they are a pretty tremendous value. You can get pretty much your choice for under 30 grand, generally with the bigger engine option. For example a 30 grand mazda6 is simply a BIGGER faster and better equipped vehicle t

    I’ve never owned a Toyota, but I can honestly see this being my next car in 5-8 years. That is if sedans and ICEs have not been outlawed by that time.

    In time attacks maybe, still plenty of legs left for ICE cars in other racing formats.  

    I have always wanted to take a high performance driving course and spend some time at the track with a sporty car that preferably was track prepped owned and maintained by someone else. Keep in mind that this does not have to be some kind of super car, a 3 series manual or Mustang GT would do. Around here a course