
Excellent question I say the sweet spot for financial value is 2-3 years after your loan is paid off. So it really depends on your loan term. If you did a 60 month loan which seems to be the most common, and traded up after 7 or 8 years, you drove that car with no payments for a bit and still have something that is

We get it, you drive a Tesla... and lets not act like $8.5k is chump change (before tax credits) when you are playing in the $30k price area.

In answer to your “why would he?” question: because they are claiming the drivers are contractors who can take or leave a fare based on whether it’s good for them or not. Hiding this information takes something that was already difficult and makes it impossible.

But then there are also the laws of physics that say a higher frontal area is harder to push through the air and a heavier vehicle is harder to push up a hill. Accordingly, bigger vehicles will always require more energy with the same drivetrain in a smaller, lighter vehicle.

So, your plan is to voluntarily lock yourself into a van for 24 hours with David, who has just gorged on pickles and deviled eggs? That doesn’t sound like a good plan.

  1. Buy Subaru with no money down, 72-month, $1000/month loan

Antiquated design?

This is a cool story. Looking forward to it.

Some advice....

Where do you see wealth politics? I see perfectly legitimate questioning of the environmental impact of services like this in the last fifth of a long and detailed article. Should the extremely valid concerns raised by carbon-powered transport not be covered on a site that’s dedicated to the subject of motor vehicles?

why speculate? Ford’s got you covered. from there press release:

I can’t think of anything less newsworthy than what people are claiming about deposits on forums.

These aren’t model 3 owners, the model 3 key works without internet. These are morons who lost their S or X key fobs or have dead keyfobs out of power and decided not to carry them, and have been relying on the emergency start car ability of the app. Meaning they either were too cheap to buy a new fob if they lost it

You clearly have never been to San Francisco and haven’t an idea what you are talking about. You are comparing apples to fucking shoes. Nice faux news talking points though. 

Hahahahahahaaha to correlate the demolition of the Embarcadero Freeway with the recently increased filth in SF is just wrong.

Everyone points to the Big Dig in Boston as an example of how government can waste an incredible amount of time and money removing or realigning a highway.

Reducing a complex issue into a tweet-sized sentence removes nuance
 critical to understanding the issue, also at 11. Back to you.

Yeah, that's not how that works.

I work with two Tesla fanboys and they are always telling me to get rid of my truck and get a Model 3 to save money on gas. My truck is paid off and gets 23mpg. Do you know how much gas I can buy for $40,000?

“I guess as far as SUVs go, this one isn’t awful.”.