
Smartest thing I ever did, just ahead of ditching the loser who knocked me up.


10/10 would bang all iterations.

Meanwhile, at foxnews dot com...

About gorram time. The Christian conservative hand-wringing over this will be amazing.

Except Ferrari guy. In the midst of all this evil-minded douchebaggery, Ferrari guy seems cheerful and benign.

I was in a Starbucks yesterday and a gaggle of teenage girls, (I feel like gaggle isn’t right for teenage girls. A flock? A murder? A murder.) a murder of teenage girls came in behind me. As I finished my order, the barista (who was a treasure of a human being and recommended a kick-ass fruit sauce for baked brie)

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare sounds like an action comedy film starring Simon Pegg, Catherine Tate and Timothy Dalton as the boss.

My aunt Bonnie’s second wedding was a small affair in Lake Tahoe. Her cake was from a chain grocery store, which, since it was located Tahoe, did regular wedding cake business and had a pretty large bakery section. My aunt’s fiancé, Steve, picked up the cake the morning of the wedding and came back to the cabin we

I fear a different kind of cake disaster.

I wanted a 3 tier square shape, small and simple. My ex husbands mother claimed to be the cake boss of the rural south and “could whip that up easy peasy.” She kept me up to date on cake progress and everything she was super stoked, and I bought the hype. Come the day of our wedding (April fools day actually) we get

Okay so, last night was so god damn epic and is top 5. While I could give you guys a Cool_Breeze style rundown, I’m not. I’m just going to give you what I need to say as a book reader.

Sand Snakes are so poor.

boy oh boy have i been waiting for this all day

For some time I’ve wondered why it is that so many people seem to think that the rapes on GoT are purely gratuitous or solely meant to exploitative, considering how many people are also injured, tortured and killed. It’s an interesting inversion, really. For in the real world, murder isn’t nearly as common as rape is,

I have a feeling no one will ever want to drop an email to Qotho as the link suggests up there. =)

Also: Nobody seems to cares about the Sand Snakes.

I used to work for the tabloids, so it’s not a question of if I have a story, but which one I tell the Jezzies.
There was the time Dave Navaro refused to be interviewed unless I gave him a blow-job. He had just married Carmen Electra.
There was the time on a red carpet that a very drunk Gary Busey asked me how, a

Ahahaha making a throw away account because my friends definitely know this story. When I was a senior in high school, I was really into the poet Adrienne Rich. Which kind of tells you all you need to know about the type of person I was at that point in my life.… for the

Thanks for bringing this up. 10% of marriages worldwide are between first cousins. My aunt married her first cousin (her daughter is my first and second cousin). My great grandparents were cousins. More than one president has married his cousin. Cousin marriage is far more common among people from some parts of the