
Someone's going to do it...

Things I have experienced as a Disney cast member:

M-O-O-N, that spells EBOLA.

Baby, can you dig your man/he's a righteous man....

"[Firth] has a briefly seen, occasionally mentioned fiancée named Olivia (Catherine McCormack), who is a fellow skeptic and an intellectual peer, meaning that she has no chance with him."

This was bugging me all episode, but: Sokka has got to be Suyin's father.

Pretty sure they have to have their heads shaved so that they can be tattooed all over. Airbender women like Avatar Yangchen likely grew their hair back out AFTER getting their tattoos.

First time I saw them meet, my conversation with my girlfriend was "he's going to knock her up and leave." "They're ten." "My point stands."

HE IS A LITMUS TEST for bad people. "What do you think of George Takei?" will TELL YOU whether or not that person is worth knowing, being around, talking to... etc.

Uncle George is the coolest uncle we've got.

I loved it so glad to see Korra back in action. This feels more like season 1 than season 2 because they have a clear goal from the begining and are getting right into it.

The quick wit we've come to expect from Honey Boo Boo

Prediction: Lady Stoneheart makes her (re)debut appearance on Sunday May 10th 2015 (Mother's Day).

You gotta save something for the Season 5 opener.

A former friend lived with a woman that was a major stoner. Wake up, smoke. Go to bed, smoke. All the time, smoke. Therefore, her tolerance was very high. (haha...high.) One time we were hanging out and she had made pot brownies, a whole pan of them cut into little squares. She offered them to us and we ate a few,

"The kids were absolutely ravenous," remarked an onlooker. "At one point they cut the throat of a raccoon and feasted on the blood while cooing "'sweet nectar.'" Another witness noted that blood-soaked copies of acclaimed hit Country Strong were found scattered around the restaurant.