
Billy Haisley: soccer

They’re all thinking they’re the Atticus Finch of making it safe for white bros to drop it when they’re the slimy Law and Order defense attorney that Sam Watterson embarrasses at the end before wondering what it all means and slinging his jacket over his shoulder.

Mookies RANKED:

If there’s going to be an apocalypse, I imagine it will be rushed.

Anthony’s just jelly because his most creative use of a spoon over an open flame was...well, you know.

Lightly sweetened iced green tea was a popular drink, and it still is.

Lord and Miller shot first.

Watch this and I’m afraid the Haders win.

Portugal. The Man performed in Portland, and at one point Black Thought from The Roots showed up unannounced to perform with them - amazing day all around!

Does it get dark at 4:30 pm in the winter in Seattle? Or is it just varying shades of gray?

I’m a big PST fan, living in Seattle having it be basically light out at 1opm in the summer is pretty rad.

Tom Waits is a performance artist, playing the entirely fictional character of “Tom Waits,” a calculated and inauthentic amalgam of all the characters of Cannery Row, carnival barkers, and that mysterious, nameless figure that always shows up in stories simply to say something vague and profound and disappear like a

I prefer this chubby version of Lex Luthor over what we got in BvS.

Clever. I would say that too, push for a lot of guaranteed money, and then totally kneel during the anthem. Take THAT you bastards!

I’ll wait for Wakanda Land, which Disney will claim to have built somewhere in the Chino Hills but is cloaked is why you can’t visit it, why are you asking?

It’s too bad the only two dudes with thumbs had to die. They made movie reviews easy to understand.

Replying to add, someone on Gizmodo did a great blog post earlier this year recounting her experience with getting DNA tests from multiple companies and comparing their results to each other and to what she’s knew about her own family history. It’s a great reality check for anyone who thinks 23 & Me and other

Sexy, I assume