Sure, but someday you’ll buy a third round of tickets on reflex.
Sure, but someday you’ll buy a third round of tickets on reflex.
Now at last Bryan Fuller is free to turn his attention to the show-running project he was born for: Fuller House.
So Movie is still not as scary as the price of the tour of the actual House.
I thought you were going to write, “at any Super Bowl party, you’re eventually going to get diarrhea.” I felt so seen.
If she’s more Drew than Drew Barrymore, does that mean she’s Drew Barrymost?
Perhaps he was trying to steal the safe full of M&Ms from the M&M’s store and drag it down 7th to 45th then up 8th through Columbus Circle then cut onto West 65th and proceed to rampage through Central Park...
I don’t know. I do this all the time. Sure some people think it’s weird but I guess not everyone is a dog person.
The Thirst Order?
“He died doing what he loved: watching ‘Weekend at Bernies’.”
“Who you trying to get crazy with, ése? Don’t you know I’m loco?” - Steven Soderbergh
Unsane in the forebrain, unsane in the brain!
David Cronenberg: /cums
I love that scene! Watch the top of his head and the edge of the screen. It really is amazing to watch him get ~2 inches taller, just like that.
Discussing the extreme hyper masculinity of football in a negative light is a topic that needs to be brought up more often.
Holy shit!
It’s Monday in Jacksonville.
Harry and the Hendersons.
Leave Shoji out of this!