
If you’re a single-player person I cannot recommend it. I’m normally quite accommodating. The grand ideas are there but it has turgid exposition (the acting’s ok, it’s the script), poorly-executed, frustrating dogfights with F35s-from-the-future WITH NO RADAR (not sure what the fuss about landing the plane is - if you

Yes, but Texas? Even I wouldn’t dare compare Mexico with Devon.

Narrow? There’s a lot worse than that, only a mile or so from the Eden Project. (I grew up in the St Austell area.)

There’s a song about it... XTC’s “English Roundabout”

I take exception to the Texas analogy. Please, something a little more northern. It’s more NY/NJ than Texas. (Although, I suppose, it should be that sticky-uppy bit of Michigan, that’s where many Cornish ended up)

In the UK? If you’ve got BT Sport, you can watch Sunday’s main race, live, on BT Sport 1. 00:00 - 08:00 (Or record it, if you happen to need some sleep)

I guess I’d better get that 4K TV I’ve been promising myself.*

What really grates is the lazy way they’ve slapped on the license/number plate.

Photos may be real-ish. Water pic might’ve been done with a mule/non-production model and they dropped the other one on top.

I know, I know. I just can’t get past the hokey acting, awful engineering, infinite gear changes, stupid storylines, infinite gear changes, set-piece stunts, bromances, infinite gear changes, that runway and the infinite gear changes.

From a rest-of-the-world standpoint... what’s with all the Chevrolets? Did GM send MS/Playground Games buckets of gold and cocaine?

Too many memes... brain cannot keep track.

Don’t think it matters how long it takes to get to you. Shit’s still shit.

“Cock! Recalculating route”

Two homes back, our 1930s car hole was just large enough to fit an old style Ford Fiesta in, US Size 0/UK size 6 wife had to drive it in, and even she had to squeeze to get out.

I’m in the area. I’ve found a Bristol and a 458 among the more common Astons and Panameras... working my way up towards La Ferrari street. (I’m looking for the car, not those ugly wheels)

Red Hook? Is Red Hook hipstery now? Disappointed it’s not DUMBO. I’d like to see them handle the railway lines and cobbles of Plymouth St.

...says someone on a bike*, every day.

Pebble FTW

Or give us fan cars with Merlin aero-engines.