Last week, a slammed one popped up at Caffeine and Machine.
Last week, a slammed one popped up at Caffeine and Machine.
It looks much better in the flesh.
Just a minor thing, you could at least credit Mitchell & Webb or perhaps BBC for your title image. Not everyone knows the “Are we the baddies?” sketch, and it might also drive people to find the “Remain Indoors” sketches.
Ok, not a funny reply, but it is on in France, on M6, “Patron Incognito”
I was okay with the marble.. it was the thumbtack that got me.
I’m shifting in my seat, curling my toes and I’ve not even watched the trailer.
As an aside, if you were travelling to the UK, many older Leatherman multitools are now illegal due to the long, locking blade. Regardless of what luggage it was in, if you were stopped you would’ve been arrested!
(Oops, this is a reply to conveyor belt thing and Kinja’s shuffled it somehow)
I’ve said elsewhere that Arcade should also be accompanied by the option of buying individual games at a premium price - high enough to drive people to the subscription if they’re borderline, but still allowing access to those that only need a couple of titles.
Was posting as I was trying to leave office, didn’t have time to screenshot a “Pshuuuu” :-)
You should also check out Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories and the live action version of Wakakozake over on Crunchyroll (Geo-licensing might get in your way)
Yeh, but not mountainous terrain that’s trying to make you part of the mountain.
There’s still the local charging issue as well e.g. substation replacement
In denser housing settings where there’s still car ownership: cables everywhere. Centralized charging so you’ll have to walk a mile to your car?
I know that in the 00's version it would’ve been Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogan.
“This is how government in the US works”
Well, there’s always...
I was going to mention it too, maybe some ducking instead of an overall reduction in volume. The Tuckers are relatively soft-spoken compared to Ballaban, so getting the levels right on a one mic set up could be challenging.
Was just in South Korea, so saw plenty of shitty driving (Use of indicators/turn-signals were decidedly optional, many a Jersey Slide) but nothing like India, China, anywhere in SE Asia. Worst thing was the guy that decided to do a u-turn into the hard shoulder on a Vespa-style scooter on a freeway and ride against…