
Wrong threqd5

Stolen Zod’s suit?

Can’t happen Lucas no longer involved so altering of original material no more.

Some one needs to throw in a ton of Baby Ruths into those pools and mission complete! 😁

I was thinking more David Hasselhoff

And STILL the best Transformers movie.

So, like in the 25th century the real isolinear chips will be real coasters such as AOL disks became. ☺

Of course it’s going to suck when you change the recipe half way through baking it.

That Commando comparison was off should have been The Lost Boys preparing for vampires killing

You don’t know ‘Murica!

Lol. I felt it copied this scene

Turnt to eleven!!!

Garak was the best and in my 3 as well.

We never knew Sulu even had a family in TOS till Generations. So, I doubt we will get anything more here either.

I don’t know. Maybe not ally with them but use them somehow. Possibly steer the conflict so they’re decimating each other then she can come in later. Just asking for other opinions on this.

Would it be possible somehow that Cersei align or use the whitewalkers to her advantage in the war to come?

I think a better explanation would have been she couldn’t have trusted Littlefinger and army would even be there and/or in time. You can’t trust him and she would have known that too.