
Yay... not jaggedy.

What’s this? Falcon’s “falcon”?

How do I make this a live wallpaper for my phone!

I can understand the argument but it was a nice to see never shown dynamic of Kirk and Spock relationship. And it worked well in establishing this Kirk/ Spock relationship too.

Dude. That is what happens in night clubs every weekend.

Jar Jar ☺, you guys are so punny!


That guy better not last beyond the first episode. No shoes, walking around a decrepit abandoned building.

Sausage fest

Now playing

I could only hear this as reading the article...

Just slightly off the mark... if they’re going post-apocalyptic, they should have gone all the way! Zorro vs. Zombies, then sequel ZZ2! I would be on that!

Yeah... ridiculous

As long as they’re not these...

Sometimes something is so bad it crosses a threshold and you start enjoying it is so bad. I think I’m there.

As per usual. SPOT ON!

Thought those 2 dark figures in the middle might be the Beavis and Butt-Head of a galaxy far, far way.

TK-421: still not at his post!