
All I could think of was... "For the HORDE!"

I just realized this model is awesome for attempting a "Capt Kirk" pose for the Star Trek dress. lol.

Not in China.

What's really annoying is that it seemed the make-up budget got cut this season. All the vamps don't have the pasty white, no sun, look anymore. Salome practically looks like she had an afternoon tan. These are goddamn 1000 year old vampires who never have seen the light!

Yes. That's all fine by me to keep it as such. I do not want any machine with emotional intelligence. That's just scary.

What the hell was that at the end??

Special effects should be better.

Yes! I love this show and it could be so awesome. Young actors now that could fill the role of Terry: Josh Hutcherson, Garrett Hedlund, or anyone new. Love to hear others thoughts on casting.

Can someone please put a Gummy bear in amber for confounding our future scientist? :-)

Female sea slug: Get out of the abusive relationship.

It's nice but this kid was born addicted to heroin right? I think just being able to let their kid get adopted to not be in an addictive situation is even better.

I think he's the one with the banana.

lol... I say no since they don't use the bathroom.

Will we see your wife back in some way in the future?

Damn. I kind of preferred the Wonder Woman/Batman thing.

Unfortunately, this was during summertime right?

Found footage of Mars coming soon.

No that's the big turtle that snots all over the kid on the elbow. Forearm is where the Rockbiter is at.

That is awesome sound effects with that!

Where's the DORA anti-virus? "Wiper, no wipy, Wiper no wipy, Wiper Noooooo wipy!" Done.