
Hi everyone! A bit of happy for today, yay! I finally got the tattoo I’ve been wanting for simply forever - my beautiful kitty cats on my arm!! Getting a tattoo is great catharsis as well, I must admit... cried a few times but not because of pain, just because that’s who I am at the moment. But still!! I’m super happy

That looks AMAZING.

Shelter Cat Update!

Hey, what’s good from your kitchen? My cheese babka rolls were a big hit at Thanksgiving, they were requested for Christmas dinner. I’m not sure if I should make a double batch, or just make them smaller. I also made raspberry bars, and the raspberry “jam” part was so so good. It ended up more like pate de fruit, I

Weekly Achievement/Do-Gooder Thread! What have you done lately that you are particularly proud of, or how have you made someone’s life better? Spill here so we can celebrate you!

Oh hi Jezzies, this is my first sns post. My marriage needs to be over, and I have to be the one to pull the plug. I was the one who first told him I wanted to be married to him, and later I was the one who insisted on counseling to try and save the relationship. It’s been 10 of unhappiness. I am not doing well enough

Pupper update: I posted last week about Pupper having some regurgitation issues. We ended up not going to the vet appointment on Monday, on the advice of the vet tech, who called Monday morning to ask how he was doing. After going over his symptoms, what we were doing and how it had worked, she confirmed what last

My dad, the best dad ever, passed away this week after bravely battling pancreatic cancer for over a year. We’d known for a month or two that there was only the tiniest chance that he’d survive more than a few months, but still, it happened so fast. Four weeks ago, he was at my wedding eating cake and making the

Thank you so much for your reply. I am wondering if “I’m outta here!!” is a deal-breaker. I took it that she is sneeringly looking down on me. It’s not just that we disagree, it’s that she is vehement in her insistence that all Democrats are dishonest. And I am not even a Democrat, I am trying to take a middle

Molting is not her best look. Here she is with her finest feathers (and bff Laverne the barn cat)

I haven’t been posting much. I’ve been in a weird head space so I haven’t had much to say. My boy’s cancer has decided that it doesn’t want to play nice or mind its own business so it’s been a tough couple of weeks. He’s handling it all pretty well and I’m proud of that but also heartbroken & angry for him. Imagine in

Hey everyone! I got back from my trip from Japan last weekend and am here to share my trip report and pics. It was an amazing but exhausting two weeks. We had so much good food (lots of fresh seafood, beef, street food and ramen), good drink (lots of sake and Japanese whisky, which is so smooth and sippable), and good

Shelter Catstravaganza!

Meet Buttercup. She is molting. Molting is when a chicken plucks all of her feathers out to grow new feathers for winter and make the yard look like a murder scene.

I’m going to the equator this week! Panama, specifically, and I hope The Bartender packed sunblock for us. I can’t fit another anything in in my knapsack, which is all I’m bringing, with a purse. Travelling light. I am excited for the whole thing, Panama City, Coronado, Chitre, Boquete and Volcan. Living in Coronado

Shelter Cat Update! With Extra Bruce!

I’m dragging right now. I’ve shared this before, but I’ll share again: I’m a high school teacher, and the area where I teach is struggling with its own opioid crisis. In the past two weeks, three of my students have died. The oldest was a 32 year old with a thirteen year old son. The younger ones were both 24. As I

I’m arguably too old to keep up with the boundless & swift enthusiasm of the Discord server but I’ve caved to the point of joining r/ would be an honour & a privilege to count any & all ‘thinkers who might like a new watering hole to visit...

In the meantime, Jake says hi to all the nice people like yourself...