
He has Borderline Personality Disorder. 

Thanks! Now I know where to go when GT disappears. 

Get it! My ex sister in law gave me a reiki session and it was very relaxing. She used essential oils too, very nice. I didn't feel much different, but I slept a lot that night.

I’m rooting for you. Please talk to your therapist. They might have different strategies to help you. Consider a mental health facility. Your medication may need tweaking. I'm sorry you feel awful, I hope something changes for you.

Seconding websites like Rover. I’m a sitter and I look after cats. Someone dropping in at your house once a day is cheaper than boarding. Good luck!

That’s really pretty! What plants did you use?

Tell me your secrets! I have the same problem with my hair. It’s naturally a light ash brown. I’m going to go to the beauty supply store next time I dye it darker.

Do you suggest seeing it in 3D?

I’m in the same boat. I’ve spent way too much on meals in the past month. I have to stock the refrigerator and resist ordering out. It would save money and be healthier for me. I hope you figure it out.

Go to There is a place to email the helpdesk. Or go to the Need Help? button at the end of any Kinja page. I got the address wrong on my previous post.

You write to the help desk at Usually they are aware of spammers. A heads up on a spammy profile never hurts.

I like Marshall’s, Ross or TJMaxx to buy perfume if I know what it smells like. I got some summer scents for $10-20. Alfred Sung’s Shi, a watery floral, and Eliz Arden’s Green Tea & Cherry Blossom. A little spritz lifts the spirits!

That sounds really difficult. I’m glad you’re getting some help.

I’m sorry that happened to you. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have to see him every day. Please see what you can do to get another restraining order or use this new arrest for leverage. I hope you don’t move because of him. Do all you can to get him out. I hope someone can help you with this, a friend, family or

Oh man, that sucks. I’m sorry you are going through this. Be kind to yourself.

I cannot pick just 5. I forgot The Piano.

Dead Poets Society

Rusty ate a quarter of my jelly cell phone case while I was napping. He chewed all the edges off. He will chew anything and everything, so now he has only indestructible toys. He also loves eating poop whenever he finds it.

Try it, it can help. I have depression and take meds. Medication can take me out of the real lows and stabalize my mood. You may spend some time finding the right one or combination of drugs, so don’t give up :) They are a tool to help me feel ok so I can do more mental work on myself, like CBT. Good luck!

Hear, hear! No Xmas music until December 10th. Let’s mandate it.