
Have you ever noticed that Trump’s facial expressions more closely match what you see when you visit apes at the zoo than other fellow human beings who have more nuanced nonverbal communication?

Several halloweens ago, I was at a house party with a few friends and lots of people I didn’t know. I walked into the bathroom and walked right in on a nun giving a BJ to Jesus while he was drinking a glass of wine and smoking a cig.

That might be 100% true and very valid, but I feel like people are completely glossing over the fact that a) she says she has body dysmorphia and b) she acknowledges that “a lot of people wouldn’t consider [her] fat.” I don’t know, I have BDD so maybe I am either projecting or I just understand where she is coming

More like laundry WEEK, amirite? Because everything took so much longer?


This woman bothers me so much. I studied the Victorian era extensively in school and she’s “living” in one very tiny aspect of it. Of COURSE she would choose to be a wealthy woman instead of dealing with the horrific poverty of the time. It’s myopic yet completely unsurprising.

You didn’t hear? I’m Steampunk now.

Ah, catfishing. Starts out as a lark, something fun to do while you’re bored, and then next thing you know you’re in England wearing a wool hat and a strap-on.

There were actually about three things I legitimately liked (and I might have tried on those Aldo booties recently) but the rest looked like 70’s rejects filtered through the 90’s.

A lot of boundaries at first, then (to the extent I can) acceptance and forgiveness. Not for his sake per se, but because I was sick of letting him live in my head rent free, you know? I got a lot of freedom from realizing he is an imperfect man who did the best he could. He loves me and he really tried.

It is the dream of every introvert! Quiet, stupidity free, drama free days by yourself. I, too, have the dream. :-)

I had customers like that return. While serving them, I am deeply ashamed to say I surreptitiously loaded their jacket pockets with jelly and many pats of butter.

“Russell Off-Brand”, more like.

When I bought a truck, my dad got me a bumper sticker that said, “Yes, I have a truck, and no, you can’t borrow it!” He’s awesome.

Draw me like one of your French girls.

Ghosting has always been around. In earlier iterations it was the one night stand. Or the ‘hit it and quit it’.