
You are correct. Other than animal products, the only thing vegan food cannot contain is flavor.

When i though it was infested by another kind of Roach.....

Yes, but what if you are doing things in the tent that are....dynamic?

Can I say how genuinely sick I am of the BRZ/FRS weak sauce that’s been produced for eons now?

Good god, chill. The “meek protestations” of this “dross” you’re referring to are in your head; the man clearly was tormented by this experience, tried to fill the void with alcohol, and realizes that no matter what he does will never have the ability to make amends. What’s done is done. He’s one of ‘those’ people,

This is a difficult area to wade into (especially being a straight and cis man), but I think it is also important.

Step 1: “Hey significant other, it is morning time, would you like to have sex?”

So in the tried and true words of every winter forecast..., when will you be posting your solo vid?

Civ games have been some of my favorite games for ages but Civ 6 is the first time where I was like ‘eh, whatever.’ I played two or three games of it, and then uninstalled it and went back to Civ 5 whenever I’ve had a Civ itch.I don’t know that it’s something Firaxis can fix at this point, but I guess I remain

What a no-good bastard. At that price, it’s CP.

Totally ok with this plebe-mobile:

I think I know the price of a Singer with one of these.

Those window intakes are rad af

This hurt me to watch. I knew I shouldn’t have but I didn’t feel right ignoring it. Absolutely disgusting that they’re allowed to keep their job. They deserve manslaughter charges at the very least.

To be fair, the Obama administration kept its unemployment numbers artificially low by refusing to count people who had stopped looking for work.

I’m guessing Beth already did that math, saw the numbers, and decided that they weren’t as relevent as they would have been had she gotten the results she’d wanted.

Your article convinced my to pull the trigger and pick one up.