
England: tyres
America: tires

Grown ass man but I found this adorable as shit

I feel kind of guilty, but as a fan of the Redwall books i kind of hoped it was a Redwall game while i was watching the conference...

I’d love a post like this for men’s fashion. Sort of a comfy business casual thing. I work as a Director of Nutrition for a public school system. At times I am in meeting with the superintendent, other times I have a hairnet of and am mixing mashed potatoes. I was told that I need to dress professionally, but it get

What kind of job do I have where a $525 casual dress is something I’d wear to the office?

::keeps shopping at Target until I get millionaire status::

The car-carrying capability is also limited by size, but then isn’t that the case with all rear-entrance efforts?

The article completely glossed over the “corporate greed” story that was, more-so than racism, more-so than guns (which were symbolic of corporate power), the real story here.
Remember, the only person who died in Vulcan (other than V-man, himself) was a happy dumb factory worker killed by corporate bean-counters who

It’s also tied to freedom. Guns are a tool, in the hands of evil they’re evil in the hands of good they’re good. That being said as a Canadian I think you guys take it a little too far and Vulcan god of Guns is a BRILLIANT idea.

Just going to leave this here:

Sure, but they needed to get on the Kaby Lake train and it’s not the kind of upgrade that’s worth dumping your skylake for. Now if they made it a touchscreen or something I could MAYBE see the anger.

Not a huge Apple fan but, Apple doesn’t refresh computers for years = bad. Apple refreshes computers the same rate as everyone else = bad.

Then change the photo. I’d have sex with Kate Beckinsale under almost any circumstance I can think of, and many that I have not.

Vampires are undead creatures with very sharp fangs who could, at any moment, bite you and usher you into the eternal purgatory of the living dead. Would you risk this for a lay?

They dont look that unhappy on this picture but I guess you wont post this reply. Of course, it is not a Democrate view of the event...

If only we could find a car we knew his son would think is cool, that’s also fast and has a reliable toyota engine. How will we ever dream up such a car.

Sure, but you still suck for making this petty article. You’re no better than the typical republican doing similar things. And since you’re being paid for being petty, you should have at least tried to also calculate his height and weight at the time.

if baron is over 8, there were no state laws being violated as it was mentioned he was 6 months over the minimum. If your going to critique, at least be accurate. A recommendation is not a requirement.

‘Conservative writers, meanwhile, decried “the death of civil discourse,” chastising the left for “turn[ing] the anger and self-righteousness up to 11 and scream[ing] the opposing argument out of existence.”’

I, for one, love the pissing contest between CoD and Battlefield. “Oh you did WW1? Well I’mma gonna claim WW2 before you! Nyah nyah”