
The Junior Woodchucks’ Guide Book. It tells you everything you need to know about everything.

“Quaid, start the reactor!”

I’m glad he punched the guy.

Nice hit piece. You gonna do the same on Hillary?

Nuclear Power IS safer. It’s safer now than it has ever been before. A prime example of it was the Tsunami that hit Japan a couple years ago. People freaked out over the leak that the Fukushima plant had. But it wasn’t the only Nuclear Plant that got hit, unfortunately I can’t remember the other plant.

Once again I will say that we need to stop wasting time and money with these woefully insufficient forms of energy and put it toward making nuclear power safer. That is all.

It blows my mind how few people actually understand this concept. The US Navy is not there to just sail along our coasts. Without it global shipping would be severely restricted, and the economic world system would likely fall apart. That is not a hyperbole.

That is what safe sea lanes looks like.

No. Just no.

Like, I dunno about this Scoob...

yes your car would be fine. People tend to confuse EMP’s, such as a high altitude nuke, with CME’s.

The point of no return is when the money poured into the project becomes so dense that it collapses into a singularity that consumes the solar system.

Well, one is a sociopathic perfect organism that refuses to die. The other is an alien. Of course they'd get along.

I know the Xenomorph and Jonesy were working together all along.

As my suicide bombing instructor said ‘I’m only going to show you this once !’

The pilots always said “That plane was killer to fly”

Giving up nukes didn’t work out so well for Ukraine. I wish there’s a simple solution, but I can’t think of one.

Damn. I wish the Iowa BBs were still in service. This would be the perfect “show the flag” mission for them.