
This doesn’t make up for killing the 4.5 Duramax... But it’s close and with the new baby dmax being an i6 I’d say you’ve redeemed yourselves GM.

They came out and said that Battlefront 2 hits 60fps at 4K. Forza as well.


This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I

The Korean peninsula IS AT WAR, and has been for all your life. An armistice....not a peace treaty, was signed. We have a cease fire, the war continues. Come on, the education system in the US can’t be this bad can it?

Because high speed rail is based on boring 200 year old Victorian engineering where as hyperloop is based on sexy 150 year old Victorian engineering.

What good does it do you to carry an unloaded gun?

Bullet will deform/fragment/bleed off most of its energy while interacting with the water layer, so there is really no significant risk of injury to anyone “downrange”.

Get on my level

He was barricaded in a location where police could not shoot at him, but he also no longer posed a threat to the public.

Paul Walker’s filmography is a list of action films with lots of ‘sposions and mediocre (at best) melodramas. The only awards he was nominated for were MTV and Teen Choice awards.

I thought aircraft carriers are pointless, easy to sink and have never been used since WWII?

This headline...

“Battle involves two sides of relatively equal strength and equal risk.”

Great idea. Now all we have to do is to get the rest of the world to agree to play nice.

Unless you count the planes that they launched. You know, their entire function...