Of course his name is Chad..
The North Korean power grid? What damage would that do? The people in that country have been used to unavailable electricity for 20+ years.
The problem here is that Mazda enthusiasts are terrible people. If this had happened with British car enthusiasts it would have ended at “Wow! I can’t believe you even got the hood open!”
That is a bit of a stretch, the previous article clearly says that the weapon system is unstoppable. Is it or is it not?
Upon reading the quote from the previous article, one is led to believe that the Minuteman III is “unstoppable”. Unstoppable defenses don’t need to be updated, so my question is valid. “New” Foxtrot Alpha needs to make up its mind.
Didn’t this website just run a whole “We don’t need more those (insert nuclear delivery system X here)” article a month or so ago?
All Nissan needs is a couch and maybe a solar panel phone charger and they’ve got the perfect mobile residence to retreat from reality with.
I’ll take “False Equivalency” for $1000, Alex
But how credible is their second-strike capability against the United States? Their sea-arm is tended to by outdated and noisy Delta-class submarines that would be unlikely to reach patrol areas that could strike the Continental US. Their air-arm consists of upgraded Tu-6s that only have enough range to reach…
Irrelevant commentary.
Unless they bolster their of legs of the nuclear triad, and increase their total nuclear weapona count, this isn’t particularly intimidating. They still do not have any truly capable first-strike systems, and they do not have enough weaponry to ascribe to a Mutually Assured Destruction philosophy. Although stuff like…
Military parades are not customary to America for a variety of reasons
This method is only really effective if you have complete air superiority, otherwise aerial scouts (or armed drones) are gonna see your guys traipsing around the forest with nice hot chainsaws and either divert their armored columns or annihilate you altogether.
Cows typically don’t shoot back.
I like to think that Fury is a distant prequel to Tank Girl.
Well heck, that’s cheaper than an apartment in some Urban areas.
Hahahaha, I fucking love Opponauts.
That’s about as close to a compliment you’ll ever get out of me, better print it out and hang it on the wall.