T. B. Hall

The “No one to care for them” thing is a real issue we need to address as a country. People who say this have a point, but not in the way they think. We all do need someone we can rely on for care when we’re elderly, but having that as a reason to have children is folly. Your kids could be assholes and not take care

You’re pretty quick to rule out accidental smothering aren’t you. She could have picked up and cradled the baby against he body to closely not know she wasn’t giving the baby air.

And therein lies the difference between the two in a nutshell, for I have no doubts whatsoever that had Trump lost, he would have strode to the stage and blamed everyone but himself and refused to congratulate Clinton. And if he did congratulate her, it would only be in a backhanded (“Congrats on running a crooked

Yeah, it strikes me that a lot of men just don’t understand what “half” actually IS. It’s not even like they’re trying to shirk their responsibilities - there are just so many things that have been ingrained in us as “women’s work” that they sometimes don’t even see some tasks as needing to be done because they’ve

My gyno once asked me why I didn’t want kids. I didn’t mean to come off bitchy, but I honestly couldn’t think of an answer beyond “Well...I just don’t want them.” Like...do I have to have a long explanation? Why don’t you want an iguana? You just don’t. The iguana is fine over there.

I have never, ever wanted kids. When I was growing up, my mom would insist that one day, I would meet someone and fall in love, and *then* I would naturally want to have babies with that person! It was so appalling to me that I decided that, nope, I will just never, ever fall in love or even casually date. Because

My response to that is that having children IS selfish. Parenting is not. Parenting is selfless- a real sacrifice, and I’m amazed at the people who manage to do it well. But having kids is selfish. There is no non-selfish reason to do it. The world is shit, the kid did not ask to be born into it, and there are

Hot take: every woman I know with young kids is either:

I read this entire story more than one time, and I swear to God I still have no idea what actually happened to that baby. Wow.

I got one voicemail I got back in 2008, and a bookend voicemail 18mos later.

Indian guy (assuming from accent) berating me for taking his money at some porn website (I am not even joking). Apparently he paid 5 pounds on some obscure website and then found my (new) number there. I found it way too amusing to hang up, last thing spoken was “Give me my porn motherfucker!! I hate you!!”.

This is

A few months ago, a small child began calling me thinking I was her mother (my number was 1 off from hers). She called me a few times and I called the number back, got her dad (probably) and he apologized and said he’d put a stop to it. A few days later she started up again WITH A VENGEANCE. I left my phone in the car

I think you missed “the point.” The point is to write. Period. Full stop. What you get out of that writing MAY come from re-reading. It may also come just from the act of writing. It may come in the recognition that your thoughts are scattered. It may come in any number of ways. But deciding, without trying it, that

A lifetime of having to be twice as competent to be seen as half as capable fucking wears on you, man. Dudes don’t understand this because ragging on each other is part of how they related to each other. They get the benefit of the doubt though. The dynamics are different for ladies, especially to some rando watching

Ugh, this. A million times this.

Fuuuuuck this dad. Playing in to stereotypes to embarrass your kids on the internet is shitty. That will be there forever.

I disagree. It gets you processing out, instead of ruminating.

I realize that you probably think you’re helping, but please stop helping.

See and that’s why I like morning pages so much. It’s like a brain dump. I just let it run wild and feel much calmer and centered afterwards. Some of it doesn’t make sense. Some of it is song lyrics I like. One time it turned into a short story about a taxidermied deer head. I always feel better or learn something