T. B. Hall

It’s pretty consequential for the economy of the publishers. Physical media all have a modicum of wear and tear and their availability is based on printing runs and eventual re-prints so a “used” market is different and not in direct concurrence with the “new” market.

And now your kids are

A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”

It depends on a lot on the kids. You probably just got lucky or just don’t remember.

Gotta love the deliberate obtuseness of guys worried about “being accused of sexual assault.” This shit isn’t rocket science. It’s pretty easy to tell if someone is enthusiastic about having sex with you. They are active and participating as much as you do. They don’t just lay there like dead wood or try to push you

I think everyone should be required to work retail during the holiday season.

Work a job that snooty people see as less-than. I recommend anything in fast food, a gas station, or any job that has you waiting on assholes and cleaning up their messes while they act all superior to you.

um i’d rather break a promise than hate every day of my life and have any amount of resentment grow in me.

I’ll tell you what, Transracial will be a thing when you can show me studies showing brain patterns more closely matching their identified race. When you can show me how throughout history people feeling they should be a different race so strongly they commit suicide. When you can show me more studies showing the

Its simple. Transgender is believed to arise from a difference in the wiring of the brain vs. physical anatomy. More explicitly, one can be born with a brain hard-wired like a male and the anatomy of a woman.

But there is no such “hard wiring” for ethnicity, and more specifically, our culture. Culture is usually

Punishment doesn’t work in cases like this. Believe me, when a kid has severe behavior issues, the parent is usually beating them out of desperation, and nothing works. It just makes the trauma worse. They need mental health care.

Well . . . do you?

I’m not going to get involved in the piracy debate but I’ve gotta agree with your other points. I’m an amateur developer and modded my 3DS for 3 reasons: 1. Custom themes, 2. Making save-game backups, 3. Cosmetic game mods. It’d be tough to argue that any of those things are harmful to Nintendo’s services or profits.

Yeah, that’s part of the controversy as well - modding your console doesn’t inherently mean doing something nefarious with it. Some people might just want to make their icons cooler, or something.

Most intelligent people go through periods of self-doubt and reflection. It is therefore not surprising that during those they are susceptible and even attracted to cults when said cults can answer the self-doubting questions.

You answered your own question. The popularity of same-sex parings in fanfiction can be traced back to a time when LGBT representaion in pop culture was non-existent, so if you wanted it, you had to create it yourself. Even today, with (marginally) more queer representation in media, the rule still holds true. Why

“Tumblr is good for art and photos and spreading info fast, but as a platform for fandom it just sucks.”

Well sure, but THIS article is talking about how the fact that you can stumble onto the stuff without looking for it is more of an issue on tumblr. Reddit has all sorts of weird shit, but for the most part you actually have to go look for the subreddit to find it, or at least click over to it when someone links it.

Hmm... Why do you say that? I don’t have any evidence to the contrary, just wondering if you do. And would you say he’s a current gen (i.e. terrible) Republican, or a more moderate Republican like some of them used to be in the past?