A folder specifically for toddler insanity sounds like a great idea.
A folder specifically for toddler insanity sounds like a great idea.
... I always use garlic. I don’t crush it (wtf) just peel and lightly score it. It works effectively and fast, no it doesn’t burn, and it costs next to nothing. Don't get the disgust and disbelief I see in that thread tbh.
No, it’s not impossible to be falsely accused, but society has a really troubling attachment to the false accusation narrative. Look up any article about a rape or a rape accusation and find the flood of comments by people who clearly didn’t read it but are declaring the victim a lying whore. Actual proven rape…
I swear to God this should be required by law. You finish high school, it’s time for your minimum six months of working rotating shifts at some retail shithole. It’s your civic duty.
The shortest answer: there’s a mounting body of evidence that says that gender identity is genetic or in some other way biological, whereas race is just something we literally made up. It’s not a thing in biology. It’s an important thing in history and anthropology, but only because we changed the course of history…
The thought of a guy trying to pull any of this transparent bullshit on me is honestly vaguely nauseating.
I love Nintendo’s games, but they have *got* to get their heads out of their asses on this stuff. Yeah, yeah, I’m a crotchety old lady, but the point stands—you paid for that product on the open market and you should not be able to lose part of what you paid for just because some corporate asshole thinks you’re having…
Pretty sure this is performance art (although that game looks pretty compellingly like a PS1 game) but even if so, props. It’s hard to get hits on youtube and this is sure as hell one way to do it.
But a work cannot simultaneously try to say something meaningful and then claim to be inconsequential entertainment the moment the criticism starts to hit. Either the artist believes their art makes an impact, or they don’t.
Your job is to sell a lot and make money you will never see, for looney detached corporate overlords who have no clue just how much extra work they’re piling on you with every new idea the marketers come up with, while continually having to play hapless victim to the sort of people who frequent whatever establishment…
Might be true, but still not really appropriate to tell people. Yeah, I might change my mind. But me acknowledging that for myself is very different from my theoretical Aunt Margaret telling me that, just because she can’t conceive of a viable reason not to have the baby-rabies.
Honest question, are you working from another article that gives more details? I ask because there’s no mention of cause of death here, but you seemed to jump straight to “choking”. All we have here or in the linked articles is “found not breathing” which medically speaking could be due to any number of things.
This is a splendid idea.
So I don’t even own a PS4, but out of curiosity, would placing a fine wire mesh over the vents help, or would that be enough to cause overheating?
The gameplay looks... very, very slow.
“When he [another officer] called the girl, the monkeys attacked him but he was able to rescue the girl. He sped away with her in his police car while the monkeys gave chase.”
Many animals kill their young for having birth defects. Birds are known to reject members of the group who do not gender conform. Rape is almost universal to the animal kingdom. Rodents routinely eat their babies.
I have one issue with the film comparison: films don’t decrease in value as fast because they don’t start looking bad as fast. If you’re 12 and don’t remember the NES era, NES games hold little appeal. If you’re 35 and you do remember the NES era, you’ve probably bought every NES game you wanted about three or four…
Also, lawsey lawsey, may I pretty please get out of the grays today?
Sterling from the youtube comments, when someone stated that he should have counter-sued at least for legal fees: