T. B. Hall

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

the danger here is that the little kids that watch his videos will uncritically parrot whatever the fuck he says, regardless of his satirical intent (if we can benevolently describe his stupidity as that).

Even if it’s completely a stale joke (probably), doing it when Neo-Nazis are emboldened and trending all over the globe is terrible judgement.

On the bright side now I have a legitimate reason to hate Pewdiepie.

There’s nothing controversial about it, especially considering people actually believe it. They believed it in the past, and it led to the holocaust, and scum rising today believe it to.

I’m ignorant on this, don’t watch his channel and this is the first story about this I’ve read, but let me understand.

Well done. How very original, edgy, and pushing the boundaries. Anti-Semitic ‘jokes’, so fresh.

I’m sick of people who cannot understand that that godawful porn is not safe or consensual BDSM. What I do—impact play, confinement, service, and so forth—has as much to do with Fifty Shades of Stoopid as a flu shot does with gardening.

If you are having “Fifty Shades Style Sex” you need to get a psychiatrist because you are most likely living in a delusional fantasy world...

Unless something has literally changed overnight, they do really only teach about black historical figures during that one month. Other than MLK, most of the main black figures of American history never get mentioned outside of February. My daughter graduated from HS in Texas last year and complained about this. My

Actually, they pretty much do only teach about black historical figures for one month. Yes, Martin Luther King, Jr. gets one day in January. George Washington Carver may get a mention at some other time. Rosa Parks may get a mention. But, seriously, the entire reason for Black History Month is that they ARE ignored

They CAN’T be reasoned with. The ideal would be the media completely ignoring them and not presenting their viewpoint legitimate, but that’s not happening. Violence against white supremacists is not desired, but it’s better than letting people be rallied to their cause. That’s how the Holocaust happened, people wanted


Because when part of someone’s differing opinion is that their opponents do not even have a right to exist, that person is beyond reason. You can’t argue reasonably with someone who is immune to reason.

You’re talking about opponents whose “differing beliefs” include the fact that many of their own political opponents should not be allowed to exist. These are not people to be reasoned with.

Lol, what? He’s 25. It’s one thing for a 15 or 16 year old to have sex with a 17 year old. It depends on the location, sure, but things tend to change when we’re talking about someone 18+ having sex with or sexually harassing a minor.

Um, he himself pointed out several times she was 15. Even if by some token chance she wasn’t, he 100% believed she was. What do you think they do in sting operations? You think they use actual underage kids? Good Lord, dude.

He only called what he did “incredibly stupid” because he got caught. I have no doubt that if he weren’t exposed here, he’d still absolutely make the same sort of disgusting comments in the future.

I read way too many of these (up until “foxhead garlands”) before realizing this was satire.

I'm not sure at all how I feel about this. If he was completely faking, that's reprehensible and not acceptable on any level. However, I am always wary of pointing the finger because of my own situation. I have a disability that allows me to sometimes walk easily, and sometimes be confined to a wheelchair in extreme