Jackie Jormp-Jomp

I feel like there are always two kinds of people according to jezz commentors - the super skinny who eat whatever they want and can't put on weight because metabolism, and the "normals" who just eat whatever and are chubby-overweight.

I have, and I'm sure many others have as well.

Holmes Inspection and Holmes Makes it Right are on DIY every day. He moved from HGTV to DIY. HGTV has a real estate focus whereas DIY has a remodel focus.

We catch Holmes Makes It Right every once in awhile. But I honestly don't know if it's on HGTV or DIY Network.

This explains why my cat and I just lay around all weekend, and why I've started puking up hairballs on the carpet.

Dude looks like he polishes knobs on the side.

at least he will always cherish the woman suit he makes out of her.

They're lucky they have the privilege of having as many kids as they want. Not everyone can just "leave it up to God" when it comes to their reproductive decisions.

I KNEW he was the same dude from Orphan Black! I never bothered to look it up, preferring to just keep the mystique going, but dude is everywhere.

Every time I'm like, okay, I'm going to figure this out now and ooh, that's interesting, okay FUCK THIS 90s chat-room design I'm out.

They don't, the people that overdo it and like that look do though.

My mom hijacked my wedding. I didn't even really want to have one, but she would have been so disappointed if we eloped and as a result I conceded.

Me too! I have flat feet, and going barefoot hurts. And then I always have this moment of shame because holy fuck, now I'm supposed to match the socks I wasn't planning for anyone else to see to my outfit? And then God forbid there's anything sticky on the floor, because now I just stepped in it with my sock and soon

I never get over how much I hate having to take my shoes off in other people's homes. I keep my shoes off in my home, but I never ask a guest to.

While black yes. It's illegal to be black actually.

Did they have to beat up Daniel Craig to agree to appear? That seems inconsistent with the PSA.

shes beyond fucking annoying.

"...powerful power..." alone made me want to jump out a window. I can't even comment on the rest.


Right? The picture looks warmer and with reds turned up a few notches. Its the whole image not only the kid's face. Everyone knows that people tend to prefer warm-toned pictures. I don't give gossip rags money no matter what but this is not newsworthy.