Jackie Jormp-Jomp

I'm surprised to hear B gets Botox and fillers.

I think I'm an I Don't Care, I'll Do What I Want Bitch. Because I can go to Starbucks without analyzing the ever living fuck out of it.

The last time one did that to me, I snarled, "Would you say that to a guy walking by?" He hemmed and hawed a little and said, "No." I said, "Then don't fucking say it to a woman." He walked away at a brisk pace.

I cannot stand being pranked, unless it's incredibly obvious that it's a prank, like Google and Pokemon. The whole joke is "ha ha you didn't know something that I went out of my way to hide from you!", and I do not appreciate being intentionally kept in the dark about something and then laughed at because they

especially when her friend in the picture is clearly wearing a sign that says, "Die, Tumor, Die"?

Hmm, I hadn't thought of that, but maybe the Baker only received an invite because of the promise of a free cake. Being used like that is the worst! If that's the case I'd have no problem telling the bride to go fuck herself.

It's really weird. I think it's either that the friend is honestly not so much of a "best friend" after all, or there's some other, specific reason that the BF isn't welcome at the wedding which the letter-writer isn't aware of.

Sure ain't. I get what they're trying to say, but there seems to be this dichotomy that you are either a RING person or a SENSIBLE, FEMINIST, HOUSE person on Jez. If you can have both, why shouldn't you? And if you WANT both, you could probably find a way to make it happen within reason.

Wow... Because Buzzfeed didn't do exactly this (but with video!) a month ago....

Get over it. It'd be the same if the story was "Farrah Abraham rides a stair car!" Because she'd get a lot of hop ons.

I am CRYING. I am crying from laughing over "Jesus Tapdancing Christ!" I am now imagining a full musical. Jesus and his 12 jazzy disciples.

I bet Bruce puts a Bruce Jenner action figure in his little helicopter and whispers, "You're free. You're finally free." when he flies it around.

I'll get crucified here for this, but YAY WINTER, at least personally for me. I hate hot weather - hell, I even hate warm weather. I get physically sick from it. I can't do anything outside when it goes above about 70F. I burn in the summer sun even wearing sunscreen.

It's winter. In a few months it will be summer and you will be bitching about how it's hot as balls in NYC, and how you're all going to die from an epic heat wave.

Nope not sick of it at all. In fact I hope its cold until March. Some of you need to pick up a winter sport and learn to dress for the weather.

Best. Winter. Ever. For the first time in 15 years, winter actually looks like the picture postcard I always dream of: fluffy white snow, blue skies, icicles hanging off porches, apple-cheeked children having riding sleds in the streets (OK, that last one was cheesy, but you get my drift—no pun). THIS IS WHAT WINTER

"I've lived in good climate, and it bores the hell out of me. I like weather rather than climate."

Now playing

Seriously? The Doritos ad about "adorable" spoiled brats was third? Am I the only one who loved the maserati ad?

The Seahawks are one of the youngest teams in the league, which means this isn't an anomaly—they're going to keep on winning.