
F that no way should I be forced to pay for her stupidity. Especially if this was discussed. If she chooses to carry the child then it is her choice to raise said child. Father should only be on the hook for half of whatever an abortion costs.

She had the child, I never heard from her again that was 11 years ago. I always uesd a condom me and that girl had been friends for years and while it was a six month relationship it was casual. Because I worked 2 jobs and she owned a business we rarely saw each other because of the work times. She told me that the

Hey I am somewhat pro choice, it is her body after all. But I belive that if birth control was discussed and the woman lied then gets knocked up the guy should be able to extradite himself from having to pay to raise it.

I get it everytime. I think its funny but now like GitEmSteveDave says Santorum has an advertised link that goes first.

exactly what answer do we want though. While the answer matches up with what someone said 44 years ago it isnt neccissarily wrong. Rember the author put the emphasis there. Black and white is a different skin tone. Maybe the correct answer would be that the only difference is color of skin so the answer should say No

Then dont ask questions that can only be answered by opinions. Maybe? Disclaimer while I read the whole article I did not read the individual chat Disclaimer 2. I do not know about the black vs white question, maybe rather than going further the app should just say no.

wouldnt this be more competing with matlab/maple than google. I mean I know google does okay with calculations but when I want to know how to do a complex math function I head to W/A.

Any way you look at it this was a travesty people will not be able to live their lives while this idiot will be able to go on with his.

You realize that this will only affect his ability to get a government job right! and after a while it wont affect him at all. He murdured people and he will get to go on with his life because they let him off. Not because they couldnt convict him but because they let him off.

yah he only killed innocent people and then tried to hide it. he totally got what he deserved!

Same and as crappy as they treat reddit on GAWKER you would think that they would stay away. That is why I kind of like that reddit posts screen captures of gawker websites.

That guy was channeling sully

So why not have everyone on reddit or something register to not have their name released then there would be so many unrelated names noone could be shamed.

Ive had those before and I felt they were a waste of money. Just a good old pair of sire snips is all you really need. Plus with those you cant get really short strips because you have to stick enough through for it to grab. Also it doesnt to really small wire or really large wire. I would recomend those to like my


Need a much greater than symbol that does not correlate to bit-wise shift.

That is some cool shit right there. Happy Dogs.

I still do this. I keep code at home on my personal comp, my personal laptop. Because when I want to work from home I want to work from home I dont want to spend three hours doing a git.

It is not unusual for a company like microsoft to help with the NRE on hardware that will work exclusively with their software!