

It doesnt help them in the court of oppinion. I will say that when I looked for a tablet and a phone I went with snapdragons soley because NVIDIA is crap.

@ Ben R they shouldnt be allowed to pick and choose which linux they want to embrace.

They should be since android and arm are the future and that is where they want to go.

Open source communities typically do alot better than a really small r and d department. Open source drivers work better on open source software. Where love is involved not just a paycheck.

You do realize that they make a shit ton of money off of android right? What do you think the tegra's run windows 8 LOL. A ffn lot of their money comes from linux yet they treat it like shit and you noobs cant even figure out why that is a bad move. Stop talking tech if you dont understand it.

This, a thousand times this. The problem is that we are back to the packard bell days. I can remember being 15 and thinking wow its nice how much can be serviced by the end user. And then the court rulling saying that companies couldn't penelize a consumer for modifying computers and those were step forwards.

Apple is by far the worst company to ever exist. They make Microsoft look Like the World Wildlife Fund.

A world of NO apple is always going to be crap nothing else.

Does anyone even use this crap anymore. Last I checked it was a joke.

And this is why you never ever ever buy crApple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats not entirely true gawker has now required you to use someone else for your gawker password management.

we have several in indiana

I think you misread what I said, it happens. I think that all copyright law should die in a fire but as a person that is reasonable and willing to compromise shaving it down to 10-15 years would be acceptable to me.

That is not true at all. I am in a creative field I am sure that artists probably couldn't classify the things i have done as art but it most certainly is copyrighted. I am always proud of stuff that I do that makes a difference in manufacturing time or customer use. When I learn that a customer loves what I did with

Copyright for anything is dumb. Copyright law has gone from insane to ludicrous speed over the past few years. It needs to be abolished.

Mac is a walled garden because apple tries to push people into using their app store. I admit its not a total walled garden but I am tired of apple trying to get a cut of all other developers income. I am really tired of seeing apple in the media when they are clearly worse than Microsoft ever was. So yes I feel like

I use both synergy ftw, why would you ever use a mac? They are unreliable garbage. When I was getting my degree the math department forced us to use macs for maple. MY WORD was that painful. All the "Out of MEMORY" Beachball spinning crashes made me want to slash my wrists. Not only are they painful to use but apple

I would think that anyone who uses any apple product had too much of the kool-aid and should be considered a sheep. Someday maybe they will learn to use a real computer or maybe not.

its not nearly as cool if you do the zing yourself, just watch big brother.