
I apologize for the punctuation errors. I was in a hurry when I posted it.

I use a normal grind for a normal drip to fine and it will go through the metal basket my question is Im looking for a bean version of the Prima barista house blend k cup ive tried a couple of different ones but I havent found one as rich as that one.

because it is. See here is the thing there are two competing precidents. If a door is key locked then you have to unlock it for them. But if a door is combo locked you do not. So which is an encrypted hard drive more like?

Yes they do. Xbox, keyboards, mice, joysticks. Are you stupid?

this was brilliant they never even mention apple :P I love it.

by your logic since "investors are being paid back someone is making money" Fact of the matter is if the movie was profitable in the literal since they would have to pay royalties. To keep from doing that they use accounting tricks to make the movie look like it still hasn't turned a profit. It is not that hard stop

Let me correct you when the author says its 6700 years old and it was done around 6700 bc wouldnt that mean it is 6700 years old even if something is 9000 years old it is still 6700 years old since 9000 > 6700 just so you know. So while 6700bc != 6700 years old. 6700 bc >= 6700 years old.

Hey I apologized for getting the movie wrong still does not detract from the point because gasp esb still isn't paying royalties either!!! Still even with a miss-type on which star wars movie doesn't make the point any less true.

Read the article before you post! Hollywood accounting keeps the movie from ever being "profitable" so if they can hide the profit from the 3rd most grossing film in the world who would trust anything they say about their profitability based off of piracy! Hence why I said Hollywood accounting!

IF you knowingly still purchased the product you are complicit and an accessory to the crime. PERIOD. Therefore since you have now seen this article you can no longer claim ignorance.

Wow your not very smart are you? No what I am saying is just because you create something doesn't mean you should have the right to keep someone else from creating the exact same thing forever.

no i knew what you were saying but when you said guess. I was just trying to be funny. with the dum dum dum like the movie sound when something is about to be revealed. Sorry didnt mean to come off assholish there.

If you heard a switchboard operator I will laugh seriously laugh, but my guess is you heard dum dum dum a dial tone.

The problem is that with Hollywood accounting you have to get your money up front if you are an actor or director. You cant count on residules coming from movies so really do you blame them. The movie will gross many times what it cost to make why wouldn't they want a fair share?

What did he say that made him seem small? I don't even think he said anything that was even remotely wrong.

Not joking at all. Just because you created somthing what gives you the right to keep someone else from copying it. That goes for patents too. Really though if you want to accomplish what they said copyright was for in the beginning which was to give content creators a greater reason to create. Then by all means give

What part did you not understand. The fact that The Return of the Jedi sorry not esb is still not profitable? [bit.ly] or That ice delivers in the mid 1850's tried to keep refrigeration from ever being used. [en.wikipedia.org] Or That we no longer use switch operators to call people. For this one just pick up the

The problem is the greed of holywood. Did you know that the third most grossing movie of all times The empire strikes back is still not profitable. They have not paid one dime in royalties. Hollywood accounting FTL.

copyright is wrong anyway you look at it government enforced monopolies are indeed wrong

I can not believe you fell for an obvious ploy they arent taking it out they are merely suspending that portion till it can be studied meaning its in the bill still. This whole bill is the RIAA and MPAA's wet dream.