I’ve yet to meet anyone who remotely likes to drink a pure bitter, mix it with 5 other things, maybe.
I’ve yet to meet anyone who remotely likes to drink a pure bitter, mix it with 5 other things, maybe.
Pssh give me some Porunga
First car was a Maroon 95' Buick Century “Custom”. It had maroon interior, maroon exterior. Was a fabulous first car, never had any large issues. My dick is maroon thinking about it.
I don’t even know about most fun, dude didn’t get pelted with Winnie the Pool plushies.
They could of shortened any country’s walk but they shorten two winter powerhouses (Germany and Sweden). Absurd.
No Lefse da the fuck is this shit.
But I hate the fucking Eagles man.
Happy I’m not the only one that noticed that anomaly.
I do for the following reasons
Holy shit, not even one mention of Jalopnik.
At least you bought a tasteful one.
+1 for Lain reference
So much for a Empires re-hash :(
Just reading that made my day; excellent choice of words chap!
I remember reading that. He no longer wants to be “payed” he wants all the glory and power of being his own one man promo. I think he mentioned “The Money Fight” opened his eyes to bigger picture and his next step.
Man I miss those Caffe Lattes his suit is advertising, used to drink them all the time when in Germany. Cheap as hell, come in this cute cup, tasty as hell.
“What’s in the box!?”
Meh I don’t want an “up-market badge” I want a “down-market badge”....What I’m trying to say is I want a damn Skoda.