These Ram fellas sure can write some books of gold, goddamn.
These Ram fellas sure can write some books of gold, goddamn.
I concur, There are two Ghilbi’s that park in the same lot as I...all I can think of is fucking window switches and infotainment it shares with the 15K Dodge Dart that is parked down the street at the grocery store.
I see that but it still looks a bit...flimsy.
More over, with a hunk of metal in the glass does it not break during transport?
Damn...even Skinny Puppy!?
I’m on board for the Bosch being the auto-illuminati.
Oh, it runs like complete ass, but it doesn’t hinder how fun it is though.
Really does, Kotaku noted it as well when they originally posted it last week, probably spurned this article
Does it, you know, turn okay? Could I take it to McD’s without killing myself? Does it have any other redeeming qualities besides going straight really fast?
Looks like a mirror mate...
I work 9-6 with a hour lunch. I take my lunch at 1 as it perfectly cuts my day into even halves and usually there is not as much traffic or lines compared to say 12:30. Unfortunately this makes it so I prefer to have supper at latter part 7:30ish which pisses everyone I know whom tries to make supper plans with me.
So how close are we to getting a fidget spinner inspired series comparable to BeyBlade
Not enough Squall love in this joint.
Mr. Regular’s Fit is a manual. He tends to like to use it as a baseline when comparing Regular Cars.
Maybe after a rainstorm?
I was about to say, this is the first GT that I actually like.
Where is the best placement for the MG mount. Hood? Pole from the bed?
Brazil you say?
Quality over location is solid.