wake me up when it starts....
wake me up when it starts....
@quillaja: Yeah, forgot mention it was almost always some cheap 1-ply , haha
I've noticed tubeless rolls in some public RRooms here in the US, but first saw them in Europe
Great shot! All the mush stayed in the car!
I guess muddy sea bottoms don't have much of a sonar signature either.... very stealthy Isle of Skye, very stealthy...
@afraidofauntieem: Best comment I've read today!
@Dadjoe: Spell Check! It's Convent Garden PIZZA and it doesn't have double Gloucester on it or in it.... man no one Googles stuff these days...
This might top that crazy guy that did the San Francisco skyline and surrounds out of toothpicks. Amazing!
@blash: Not to mention you could have the MBA as a primary/only computer, while the iPad can only be a secondary device.
@badasscat: Not confused here- hence the "game capable" not "blazing fast game hungry GPU" comment... and no I wouldn't want the 310 either. I was simply checking off the specs. While the 320m isn't a discrete GPU it's still a helluva lot better than getting a PC mired in Intel Hell with their graphics offerings.…
@blash: I know you tried hard to render the MBAir's reason to be a moot point, but instead pointed out why it's a great idea. For less money than 1 year of data service for your smartphone/ipad, you're getting a bigger screen, gaming capable GPU, full size KB, very useful trackpad and a full OS- e.g. a full PC in an…
This was the first one since the Tiger Wood animation that had me laughing.
@sgtsween: Yeah... it could have been a contest like - First one to cover 10sq. meters gets to call a relative. He'd have had his clay seeds in 4 months....
@Xagest: it's definitely not as snappy as a 3GS or 4 running iOS 4.1, but it is worlds better than 4.0. I'd say as fast or faster than 3.1.2, but I haven't played any gfx heavy games- just comparing usage like web, email, setting, app store launching and navigating around.
@torched - White Gold Wielder: lmao!!! exactly!
@92BuickLeSabre: Baby steps.. how about first they don't air a handful of episodes, then break for the better part of a year, come back to air the remaining few, wonder why there is such lack of interest after a decent initial premiere then cancel the show for said lack of interest ... (/rant off)
Lack of female characters in a supposedly true story about Zuckerberg?? Uh... I'm thinking that writing in any more and it would end up a work of fiction....
If you don't see the new features, you may need to re-install even though the app doesn't show as needing to be updated. Find it in the App Store and click install as if you didn't have it yet. It just loads over the copy you have already.
@kdupree: I had to find the app in the App Store again and it let me install even though I already have it installed. Strange it didn't show as an update, but installed right over the app I had already. I now have the camera button right next to the mic/voice button.