He’s like if Michael Bay took himself deadly serious.
He’s like if Michael Bay took himself deadly serious.
When all else fails, remember: Zack Snyder is, has been, and will be a hack director.
I’m tired of the narrative that “he had a bright future until it was taken away” about rape and sports. It makes it sound like a horrible thing was done to him when it’s him who has done it to someone else.
I know this is an unpopular concept among a lot of people voting in this election cycle, but . . . “the establishment” makes the fucking laws. You can fight that, but it’s not going to change any time in our lifetimes. (And whoever wins the election this year, even if they’re not “establishment” now, will quickly…
I don’t see it as being on the spectrum (and I don’t know if you’re qualified to make that judgment, if you are my apologies but I find lots of people now internet-diagnosing, which is able-ist). I just don’t think anyone has ever called him on it because he is a white male and of course he can be loud and abrasive…
No it does not make up for it, not if you’re a woman. If I’m getting a lower pay than a colleague simply because I’m a woman I’m not going to be like oh well, good thing that white 22-year old male intern is getting paid, woohoo!
Yeah—his staff was also 90 percent white until the media called him on it and he went on a hiring spree (compared to Clinton, who has had a staff that was in between 30-35 percent POC from the beginning).
See, even though the job titles and responsibilities are the same, men are probably doing the jobs better and therefore deserve more pay. It’s not a wage gap if they’re doing a better job.
EXACTLY!! And everyone is going to scream about his voting record, but like...voting correctly and actually taking an active role in these issues are 2 very different things.
He says what everyone wants to hear without realistic plans to implement them. So when he actually has a chance to implement something progressive, like equal pay and positions for men and women, why would he expect supporters to pay attention to the details when he doesn’t need to?
Significantly more women than men, which means that she’s likely weighting women over men for entry-level positions, while men are resting more in the middle as well as the 6-figure folks in her top 10. Her record isn’t perfect, like everything else, but the fact that Bernie has ZERO in his top 10? ...That’s really…
Right? LOLOLOL And people keep telling me gender doesn’t matter. Go on Hillary you keep doing the do while everyone tries to say they’re feminists - you’re actually PAYING the women. Go on Hill!
ten highest paid staffers on Bernie Sanders’ campaign, not a single one is a woman.
The results for Bernie illustrates my problem with him. He talks a great game but he doesn’t exactly inspire by his actions. Focusing on economic issues while overlooking systemic discrimination and unconscious biases is going to result in white males benefiting the greatest. I’m not comfortable with taking a backseat…
Hmmm, women in positions of power hire more women. LOOK AT THAT!
Hmm I’m surprised Karen Finney isn’t on Hillary’s list of highest-paid staffers, unless she’s technically a consultant or something?
Looking forward to the attempts to mansplain away the numbers.