
None taken. But if they can cover something like curling for example, then I don’t think it is too much to ask for maybe one or two decent articles maybe around time of a big tournament and then WFTDA Playoffs and Champs weekend. Just today, London, which was the first non-North American team to crack getting into

I don’t disagree with anything the article said (I didn’t fact check it line-for-line), although I do know that some of the people involved in the “23" incident are taking steps beyond just an apology but also meeting with and volunteering with groups to help sexual assault victims.

But I love that modern roller

Now playing

The most goddamned infuriating thing about this video is the fucking camera work!!!!! Jesus H. Christ!!!! Landscape mode motherfucker!!!

This is why I never ski. I wouldn’t trust a gondola as far as it could throw me.

*checks to make sure no one died* Ok good.

What song do you play when you need to feel like a ferocious animal, ready to attack whatever’s in front of you—a


Funny how this never comes up with Drew Brees, who is the same height as Russell Wilson.

This Benoit guy is fucking whacked. After watching Russel single handedly beat the Eagles - I mean it really was entirely him - I am a believer of his unreal ability. Whether he pocket passes or makes a shit ton of gold out of a shit ton of shit he’s just amazing to watch.

He’s black.

What is it about Russell Wilson that makes people so goddamn dumb, even apart from Benoit? Benoit is taking a dump all over a tremendously exciting, talented, accomplished player for no good reason. He leads his team in rushing for crissakes!

I just can’t take that moustache seriously. It looks like he glued a mop to his face.

Suchet was, is and forever will be the only Poirot that matters.

No. His mustache is completely wrong, he’s not old enough, and he’s too tall. David Suchet was born to play that role and if they *must* do a remake, they can do a better job casting.