When my mother was my age, she was raising a child and was pregnant with her second. She worked retail and saved…
When my mother was my age, she was raising a child and was pregnant with her second. She worked retail and saved…
Serves these people right for going to a god damn godsmack show in the first place.
Still not as bad as when Sonic Youth’s Lee Ranaldo wore a Kevin Durant jersey on stage in Seattle.
I have no idea how anyone can be upset about this. If an NFL superstar ripped down my banner, I would be on fucking cloud nine. It would be my go-to story. If I ever needed an interesting fact to impress people, I’ve got it. “Oh, you got Cam Newton’s autograph? That’s cool. Not to one up you or anything, but he ripped…
This is so silly. All that the Panthers and their fans need to be focused on right now is their outstanding 7-1 start to the season.
I’m a Packers fan and I can’t believe these fuck-wits are claiming this interaction with Cam Newton ruined their day.
You won the Series, wipe the damn chip off your shuolder this video is awesome and that’s why it was posted.
See you next year, go Halos
Too soon.
Jordan Conn had a great piece at Grantland back in 2011 about players flashing a thumbs up after suffering a spinal injury. It’s a pretty compelling argument, and one of a million reasons why I’m increasingly uncomfortable watching football, but seeing Lockette wave to the crowd on his way out was still such a relief.
My mentions are a big pile of people who are angry at me for writing this so I’m just going to write it down here: Zola tweeted this insane story for two hours while racking up thousands of RTs on each tweet; it was nationally trending with 30K tweets about it when I woke up, but drawing attention to it on a large and…
We bought a new house about six months ago. After two weeks, the wife and I went to bed at midnight. We were tired and fell asleep right away. After about an hour, I wake up to a loud male voice saying GET UP. I grabbed a flashlight and went searching through the house and found the electrical outlet that powered the…
As someone who has night terrors under extreme stress, I can tell you that they are equally terrifying for the person dreaming them. I think it sticks with people who witness them longer, seeing as they are awake at the time.
Back in high school, I shared a bedroom with my younger brother, which was difficult because he was a frequent sleepwalker. The hardwood floors would creak when he would get up and walk out of the room. I would have to follow him and bring him back to bed at least 2-3 times a week.
About a dozen years ago when I was a grad student in anthropology, I was on a field expedition in the high mountains in the western US (for obvious reasons I can’t specify where).
This field work took us deep into the backcountry at elevations above 8,000 feet, and we had to make do with very basic survey and…
When I was 6 my uncle got into a horrible accident. He was an engineer and a compressor blew up in his face as he was working on it. He was brain dead immediately but they rushed him to the hospital and he was on life support. None of us kids were allowed to go to the hospital but we all knew what was happening of…
When I was 23 I was staying overnight for the first time at a girl’s place who I had just started dating. We fell asleep and at some point during the night I rolled over to throw my arm around her and she wasn’t there.
I worked as a Teach for America teacher in Baton Rouge, LA, for 2 years after I graduated from college. While there, four of my friends and I lived an awesome and spooky old house. The house was on the site of an old plantation in the Goodwood part of the city, and a 250 year old oak tree with a beautiful balcony…
I don’t believe in ghosts. I like ghost stories but I’m a generally “there’s a logical answer to this” kind of guy. So, with that...
Clay Matthews uses “bro” unironically, because of course Clay Matthews does.