
I just don’t get the appeal of going with other guys to the strip club, the few times I have it’s just been awkward.

The only stuff I use is that burt’s bees hand salve stuff, because I work outside year round and winter dryness plus wind wrecks my hands. I just can’t deal with the cost of any other “skin care” products.

After I watched that I can’t stop seeing it.

Bah that’s nothing try getting a C-17 stuck in the snow some time. That is a fun time.

Charlotte Rampling: The blacks are a talented people. We took them from being uncivilized brutes in Africa to sophisticated, cultured individuals today. They deserve all the awards tonight. You’re welcome!

This is something I can imagine being said in some form or another.

See but then you have to pull out your professional photography studio you just have lying around, such a lot of work.

It just seems like so much work.

Yep that is a perfectly normal thing for a father to say.

If prayer doesn’t work, maybe a sacrificial offering will?

Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner so damm good, also Carmelita and Frank and Jesse James are on my top list for him. Accidentally like a martyr is great in how the melody rises and falls with the lyrics.

Zevon is on my all time favorites list.

Call me weird but I like that Quentin is fully upfront about his foot fetish and puts it on screen. It is part of his no one will question me so I will do what I want thing.

How old is she? Like mid 20’s now? I think it is more she is just hitting that stage where you transition into your adult look...if that makes any sense?

I retract my six people died argument. However he does still deserve punishment for dereliction of duty during wartime, which is a serious crime.

Look no matter what his politics, reasoning ectr. for going AWOL were. The fact is he did abandon his post, 6 people died looking for him not to mention the costs involved. He deserves some kind of punishment.

The construction of lightsabers gets a little all over the place but it basically works on a energy arc type system there were some that were modifed to work underwater for example. However I would think seeing as how Kylo’s seems kinda unrefined it might not end up well if the arc wave emitter actually contacts the

So just I am clear on this their reasoning for the policy is that gay men supposedly are at a higher risk for AIDS? Thus basically admitting their screening procedures are imperfect? I personally am not allowed to give blood, due to living in a country with a mad cow outbreak, there is no screening test for that yet.

Plus there is no indication that he is particularly skilled with a light-saber.

Using that so hard.