The Chevy Vega. It was a really nice looking design that was ruined in the usual GM fashion (back then): During implementation. It had an aluminum block - that was prone to overheating and burning lots and lots of oil. It had very, very attractive body lines - too bad those shitty panels began rusting immediately…
*Checks to see if anyone was injured badly or killed* *Nope*
That German cars are reliable.
How could you have forgotten Nigel Incubator-Jones?
Art of Racing in the Rain should be on every one of these lists. Always.
There will only be one car on the roads in 100 years, a red Barchetta.
there were more, but they snap oversteered off the Autobahn into a tree
It's the WRX. And I happen to fucking hate the WRX.
"Everybody loves you, don't do this!"
Nah. Too easy. I like the challenge of trying to get away with it. I also enjoy putting the public at risk by driving around with an expired registration tag.
it was the Pirelli rubber