The Overall Crumminess Of Poochie

I hope no one orders this.  Don’t encourage movie conglomerates to make this the new normal; I like movie theaters!

6) If train A leaves the station going 60 miles per hour and train B leaves one hour later going 85 miles per hour, how long will it take train B to catch up with train A?

Is THIS another episode of “I Love ‘I Love Films’”?

Am I doing this right?


Great Joker! Don’t give up!

Have we rampaged the “Ford v Ferrari is a Dad Movie” joke into the ground yet? Or does the Internet need to keep making it 5,000 more times a day between now and the Oscars telecast?

Holy Humongous Hog, Batman!

Hey everybody!  It’s me, yours truly again ...

Catch you on the flipside, dudemeisters!”

Um, okay. How about this: Adam Sandler is like, in love with some girl, but then it turns out that the girl is actually a golden retriever, or something.

I’m definitely gonna be hoofing it to see this movie now!  My podi-interest is off the charts

#ReleaseTheMooneyCut ...

The obvious title is, “I Wanna Ghost You Like A Millennial” with a music video full of terrible Tinder dates ...

Biggie Smalls > Elvis > Beetlejuice > Candyman > Bloody Mary ...

I feel like searching for (any celebrity) + boobs” will run you into certain peril, and that absolutely includes James Corden ...

Okay everybody, who likes the Doobie Brothers?  ‘Cause we’ve got one of them!

You probably love your mother-in-law!

You lost me at: “The Human Centipede director’s new movie,” but you got me back with:is about a masturbation club.”

There better be double the orgy scenes in this one!