The Overall Crumminess Of Poochie

Before transitioning into my current state of musical arrested development, I went to MTV News.com for the obvious music news, but also to be turned on to new bands/artists. Post-college, it was my last bastion of discovering new music, before algorithms thoroughly turned me off to the experience, as their

It’s unfortunate that all of the adult characters have been such incredible bores (save Daemon, of course), yet most of the younger characters have been actually interesting, with some semblance of personality.  Even the little kid who got murdered in episode 1 got to be delightfully annoying at the counsel table for

There are plenty of people in here talking about how dumb Jacob Oller and everyone else is who has this take about it being a “rapey” song, so I’ll just say I agree with the rabble and move on with my day ...

I just dropped everything and watched Perfect Bid on YouTube; it’s fantastic!  I could watch a 10-hour cut of that ...

Shop till you freak at the spooky boutique!

I’m in! Luca sucks, let’s fight. After school, on the playground, bring your three toughest friends ...

We’ll do something cool like have a cigarette and like a bar of chocolate, then we’ll go for work for like one half-hour, two half-hour ...

Season 3 had heart, but season 6 had a football in the groin ...

Honestly? I don’t have a lot of quibbles with this list. Rearviewmirror is one of my favorite songs of all time, by any band, ever. But, I won’t deny Black’s absolute perfection.

This is my favorite kind of bullshit non-story.  It’s got everything!  A movie I haven’t seen, a book I’m never going to read, an actress I don’t give a shit about, an actor I stopped caring about after the first Borat movie, rich people bitching about other rich people for publicity, a formerly-great website using

I’ll tell ya, I’m suffering ... from a hangover!

For those of us who have no attachment to the source material - i.e. all the normies out there Netflix is hoping to suck into this thing - I will say this show has a Dumb Title Problem.  A show that’s difficult to explain, with a title that gives no information and sparks zero curiosity, AND it’s really damn

I like how Beyonce is lumped into this conversation even though she’s DeVito to Taylor’s Schwarzenegger ...

I saw Tenet in the theater; I’m good ...

Why did they put Kevin Hart in a movie and go out of their way to make him so humorless?

He hasn’t done anything worth a damn since My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy ...

Sounded a lot like my Sunday 11:15am crowd.  Even still, for some reason I expected more juice from the audience ...

Yeah, I get a strong Nacho’s Dad vibe, doing everything he can to avoid interaction or infiltration of that life, but just relentlessly trying to be sucked in, with a predictably depressing result ...

Paramount+ was apparently created to reconstruct my childhood television viewing habits to diminishing returns.  Ahh, to be a white male in his 40's today ...

I hope nobody crossed a picket line to write this scene ...