
But Eric Limer said the last article was everything I needed to know about the Apple Watch??

But which standard? That's the real question here.

I just poo'd a little. With excitement.

An invitation, and I'm there.

I'm gonna say the M8. From what I remember, the specs should be better for the most part.

I've had lots of time with the M8 for Windows not as much with the 830, so I'm slightly biased. If you have the money to spend, I absolutely love the M8. Might take a hit in the picture quality camp, but that's about it. The 830 will probably be much cheaper when it launches and has access to a removable battery, but

The sith arent evil. They dont exist for extermination. Darth vader was strict and intilerant of failures. palpatine was trying to restore order to the galactic republic that was falling into chaos. Dooku was trying to restore balance and saw the Jedi council as growing increasingly corrupt. Rebels were terrorists.

Death by snoo snoo!

More battery, more battery, more battery...

Quit ruining my joke with your "facts."

Lack of scientific funding is as American as apple pie.

Can I buy it as a consumer product yet and not just a dev kit? Then who the fuck cares. Sell it or GTFO

It may even be worse than that. I could see it now...

Humans didn't descend from apes. We are apes. We just lost a lot of body hair and found very complex ways to murder each other and share images of cats and/or sexual acts.

Gotham City has a jail? I thought they just stuck everyone in the revolving door of Arkham Asylum.