
This generation thus far keeps rewarding me from staying the hell away from games at launch until months and months later when they manage to fix the games (usually along with a price drop).

If only it wasn't for the fact that you have to pay more to get more of the story. If the game had a complete story at launch, I feel like this could be excusable, but right now, no matter what they say, it just feels like they finished the game and cut it up into parts to sell as DLC. I'm so torn on this because I

You're making an awful lot of assumptions about me. Guess what? We agree that sexually liberated women tend to know more about *their* bodies, but you both missed and kinda proved my point. Thats ALL we talk about. Good sex essentially means good sex for women, which is why when an article pops up giving advice to

Seriously, though? Looks too good to be true? To me it looks pixelated, flat and awkward, based on this gif. Look at the left of the image. Clearly a flat plane with a photo attached. This is only going to look realistic until you turn your camera the wrong way or walk too close to something.

Did you ever play the arcade Gauntlet series, Mike? If so, what did you think of those, compared to this one?

Toilet Paper Tubes

Like a houseguest. Marvelous at first and full of possibilities, but if left unsupervised for too long, they can be a real pain.

So basically this..

Not a fan of madden but this ad was brilliant.

He smoked a J;
Then took a P;
And somehow A
Had more than B.

My rule is to never lend money I expect back. There is nothing that will start hard feelings faster than someone who "forgets" to pay money back, so I just avoid it by only lending money that I don't expect to get back. That way, if I do get paid back it is great, if not it's no big deal.