
I'm new to the game. Have there been enough changes that loot caves aren't necessary anymore? If not, where can I find one?

Great. Looks good. One major flaw though - not on PC.

Are the standard monthly credit reports soft pings as well?

Am I the only one that wants this whole page in list form? I don't need all the descriptions and everything. Maybe I am just being overly critical.

Am I the only one that wants this whole page in list form? I don't need all the descriptions and everything. Maybe I

For me, it is just the multiplayer that is free. The game is unable to be purchased on the store for me. It says disc only.

Update me on here. If it works for you, I may have to do the same thing.

Did not work on Dragonborn DLC.

or Charring

Thank you. That is all.

This is how Skynet begins.

Thank you. That is all.

It is on PS3 and has been for a while now.

So do I have to do anything to get the credit or is it just automatic?

Ka-El huh?

What in Sam Hell is a 'Puma'?

Shouldn't this misleading be illegal of AT&V?

What is the speculated release date for this? I am considering getting a Lumia 900 when it comes out. Will Apollo be soon enough that I should just wait or will it be a year or two away?


Basically, Casey is saying this.