If you thought you had a miserable time in traffic this morning, you’ve got nothing on the World Rally Championship.
If you thought you had a miserable time in traffic this morning, you’ve got nothing on the World Rally Championship.
It’s been ok...better than 90% of the shit on tv. The Jalopheads need to talk it up more.
It looks like Maz Kanata from The Force Awakens is what it looks like
F1 is super complex and every action has several consequences. It must be the fastest single seater, and race for up to 2 hours flat out. Some of your suggested changes would help that, some not. That’s why I say it needs a masterplan with a very clear end goal to satisfy several criteria. First and foremost we have…
I posted on another F1 thread in Oppo, but in short: if you want to hear V10s or V12s, go find the old races and download them. I don’t think you’ll ever hear those engines again in a race, unless there’s some sort of turbo/hybrid system involved, which leads back to the problem of reduced noise anyway.
Now that the dust from the Detroit Auto Show has settled, and our hangovers have subsided at least a little bit, we…
I’ve seen a lot of media outlets try a spin this like it the engine manufactures screwed it up and poor Bernie is just trying to save it. This is just a giant power struggle at the moment. The manufactures got tired of Berni screwing it up so they have put their foot down. It’s a scarry moment when you trust(but not…
As someone who’s owned both previous xbox’s (1st and 360) I’d been on the fence for the last two years as to whether to get an Xbox one or not, the Kinect balls up, UI issues and the initial pricing put me off, but I brought the Ori/rare reply bundle over the Black Friday weekend (I had £30 of Amazon gift vouchers to…
I’m startig to love my XB1 almost as much as I loved my 360 throughout last generation and once they fill out the games line up a bit more (ME Andromeda, Quantum Break) I will be all the way there.
Games with Gold has one important thing that makes it significantly better than PS+ in my book, after having the two for a while. Games with Gold acts as you purchasing a license, meaning you own the game.
It’s actually amazing someone tried to argue your own opinion on what YOU like. Now that is reaching.
Um...”exclusives that interest me” does not equal “genres that interest me.” Killzone is a first person shooter, but I don’t like it. I don’t have to prove that at all to anyone.
You hit the nail on the head, at the end of the day there are soooo many aspects / attributes of both the PS4 and Xbox that are just negligibly different, 90% of the decision to buy one over the other really comes down to what ecosystem the friends that you want to play with are on.
I’m very happy with choosing the Xbox over a PS4 this generation. I’ve got no hate for the PS4, mind you. I just didn’t see the exclusives (and still don’t) that would interest me enough in buying one. When comparing Sony’s exclusives with titles I’m interested in like Halo, it was an easy choice for me and Microsoft…
Couldn’t agree with you more. This had one of the Worst Launches Of All Time... It should have died, but look at it now. Microsoft actually went with the strategies of being consumer friendly, AND one-upping the competition, after Sony gained so much ground doing the exact same thing, but now’s starting to look like…
Neither console is actually better then the other as a fact - it’s about preferences and what each offers. Try or research each system and decide what suits you but don’t be so shallow that you think what suits you is what determines an actual “better” console.
Judging by the YouTube videos of people doing career mode on Xbox, 2015 is a bit of a shit show. Lots of people report random glitches including getting stuck in the pits, car models disappearing, random penalties, and an online mode that immediately de-syncs which causes each player to have a “race” among AI instead…
The Porsche 918 Spyder got a number of retro paint schemes (including Martini) so far, but nothing of the iconic…